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should I send this email?


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I had an earlier thread of my situation and I am just pasting here:


Went out on 2 dates with a guy who is in town for business, no sex happened although he wanted it. We clicked right away and he even said he will call me and before he left, he emailed me from the airplane saying he will be in my thoughts and want to see me in the future. He comes in and out a lot. Well, after he left, I send him a messge saying "Hope you made it in okay,etc etc", I then send him a very tomboyish picture of myself to go with his thought, then I said I will send him a more feminine picture of myself later....


He is very active on link removed over the past few days.....


It has been about 2 weeks and I want to send this letter:


Hi xxxx,


Just wanted to say hi. I went out on a "bad" date this past weekend and afterwards I just remembered how good our get together was few weeks ago.


Anyway, I haven't heard from you since you went home, I am sure there is a good reason for it. Even if you may not be all that into me, somehow I still want to give you an ego boost and let you know that my gut feeling still tells me you're a great and good person...


Afterall I am so new to this dating scene, so....oh well...anyway, my bad date reminded me of you




If he is a player and bad person, it will embarrassed him, if he is sincere then he will respond...


what do you guys think?

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I think it is confusing. It's inappropriate to mention other dates you've been on - and will make him think that he will be the subject of future emails to other men if he doesn't measure up. It also sounds a little desperate a needy - not exactly a turn on. If you must contact him, call him - if you are not strong enough to call him then don't hide behind an e-mail. If he is that into you he will get in touch with you. He may respond if he is a nice person but it may be just to be nice or out of some sort of obligation and if he doesn't respond you will not know why - did it not go through, accidental deleting on his part, etc.

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Thank you for your comments....


I think you have mistaken, it is like this:


"My bad date reminds me of our good dates together..."


Besides he is active on link removed anyway


It says, I am dating and moving on too since you haven't called but I still like you and think about our good dates....


kinda of like that...

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