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I am 27 and for the last 10years plus I've wanted to kill myself. This was simply because I feel there is no point to life. I think it started when I was about 14. That was when I took my first overdose ‘just to see what would happen’. Nothing did, was sick for a few days but was fine after a while and never told anyone about it. Finally about 5 years ago I was so depressed with the pointlessness of everything – and don’t get me wrong, I had a boyfriend, family, friends, was in uni, everything was ‘great’ – but was ill so much and I knew it was because of the depression, then I took an overdose that did leave me in hospital for some days. I couldn’t even do that right; I was told I didn’t take enough to even require stomach pumping! Anyway when I came out of hospital, my mum talked to me about it and she cried. That’s the only thing that stuck – ‘I made my mum cry!’ and that was – and still is - the only reason why I didn’t try to get it right.

After that I tried to get on with my life but always at the back of my head – and quite often at the front – I just think ‘when can I do it?’ The funny thing is I’ve never considered myself as being suicidal but I guess I am. And now having recently been dumped by somebody I felt really loved me and who I really loved, it feels worse than ever. To make matters worse I’ve moved to a country where I don’t know anyone and don’t have any friends so I have a lot of time on my hands to think about the pointlessness of life – not just mine but generally.

I guess maybe someone could see this as a ‘cry for help’ and can try and ‘save’ me but me I see it as ‘we’re born so we can die anyway, so what’s the point?’

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The point is, you have one life and you should make the best out of it you possbily can. Not that Im saying their correct but many religions forbid suicide. I understand depression and have an idea of what your going through but it's not worth it. Also I work at a funeral home and suicide is really rough for the family. It sounds like you've hit a low point, so just wait until it gets better. Sometimes it's darkest just before dawn.

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I guess maybe someone could see this as a ‘cry for help’ and can try and ‘save’ me but me I see it as ‘we’re born so we can die anyway, so what’s the point?’


If you don't see a point to life, why not aim to just have fun and do some exciting things while you're here? Different people see find different purposes in life, so that question your asking yourself is purely subjective.


Why did you move to the new country, and have you ever seen anyone about your depression?

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The 'point' is...everything in between being born until death. Do you have a job? What are your hobbies? Most of us need some sort of excitement in our life to keep the boredom at bay!


If you take your own life you will never know how beautiful your future can be. If your gone you will never find true love, have children, etc.


Life gets hard for everyone at some point but you need to focus on a future!

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Well, I was in your position just last night. I was ready to go. I had a plan and everything, but then I met some really wonderful people here that helped me look at more in my life besides myself.

You have to live for the people that care about you. For me, I didn't care if people called me selfish or whatever, but when they started pointing out that my family would be crushed and my children would never be the same, I had a realization that I want to be a survivor and not a statistic.

It is up to you to look at your life in another way.

Do you have family that cares for you?

How would they feel if you killed yourself?

Do you think that they could just forget about you?

Do you have children?

If so, how would they react to you giving up on your life?

Would you want your family to feel guilt thinking that they could've/should've done something?

I know that life is hard, believe me, but it is taking it one day at a time that is important.

I am not saying that I no longer have the thoughts, but the thought that is first and formost is my children and husband.

There are many of people here that want to help if you let them.

If you just need to vent, that's good too.

Please be safe and let me know if I can do anything to help.



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Like most here Ill try and help with my words, so here gos


This was simply because I feel there is no point to life.


For me the is no point to life, and I must ask why should there be see our bodys live they do this all by thems selfs they dont need us to be there other than to get it food and shelter once we have don that our bodys are happy to just tick over. But is our world today food and shelter take about 20 mins to sort out so that leves us with a lot of time on our hands. This time we fill with, Fashtion, TV, Shopping, the Gym, talking, Art, music and so on. Some times our bodys say "HAY I NEED TO MAKE A NEW BODY" and so love and sex come into out lifes.


See looking at life like that it dos seem... well Pointless


BUT! thay say the devil is in the detail and thats where life gets intresting

its the living of life that has with in it the joy that so many of us seek.

I find that if I awake and thing "What is the point of my life" im down all day, its just to big


My Life / a point


its to big a sum


But! if I get up and say "who needs a point to life when theres a worlds out there and things to see, smell, hear, tast, tuch." Then I have a good day. The woman on the bus, the new rain, wind on a hot day, each any every even so small but yet a life with in them gives me hope. I find if I live my life always looking for the joy in just being alive that the Point to it all seems to come along all by its self.



That's the only thing that stuck – 'I made my mum cry!' and that was – and still is - the only reason why I didn't try to get it right.


No I think your wrong its not the only reason there are meny more just waiting to come into your life. The thing I think you must do is find them, how about doing that 1st befor folding your hand.


but always at the back of my head – and quite often at the front – I just think 'when can I do it?'


I know what you mean here, i used to do the same, its feels like a door thats always by you, if it all gets to much all you have to do is open it and wark out of your life. But and this is a big but, that conferting feeling is a trick, a lie, death is not a nice worm door way its a pit that is cold and empty its the jaws of hopelessness for all time, its a place where every joy and dream dies. Do not hold it to you in hope but reather rejectic and the darkness it truly is.


I've moved to a country where I don't know anyone and don't have any friends so I have a lot of time on my hands to think about the pointlessness of life – not just mine but generally.


There you go again looking at the mountings and forgetting the hill your one, what if I say this to you, SHOW NO FEAR! your in a now county you think your life is over well then end that old life and make a new one, one where you have a new you. A you that dos not fear the new, Talk to any one you like, ask them any thing you like, show them teh new you how as a joy for evry moment of life. Do that and you will make freands hand over fist.


I guess maybe someone could see this as a 'cry for help' and can try and 'save' me but me I see it as 'we're born so we can die anyway, so what's the point?'


Then Help you shall have, its here and now from us on ENA if my words dont help others here will have more and maybe theres will, but help is always a reqwest away.


thats my take, live and enjoy what you have


One more tip.

When you get up every day "hit the beachs running" in other words

You happon to life dont let life happon to you!

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I hear what you're saying about finding stuff to fill my life and so on. And i know my family would feel horrible if i killed myself, they'd feel they'd failed me some how. but its so hard to live. i think living is much harder than dying. God knows i'd never want to hurt my family. but i feel like everyone knows how to get on with their lives and i'm the only one who missed out on that lesson.

and no i've never spoken to anyone about the depression. where i come from depression is seen as being 'in your head' and all you need to do is 'feel better'. i know i do need to seriously speak to someone but i honestly don't know who. my family is not one of those that are into talking about personal things. we love each other but my best friend and ex-boyfriends know more about my personal life than anyone in my family does.

thanks for the replies.

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I'm sorry to hear that you've been so depressed these last 10 years, but I do think you can work to change that and be happy for the next 50 or 60 years. If you haven't spoken to anyone about it before, it might really help - whether that's a counsellor, a friend or family relative, or online here or at similar sites.


Let us know how things such as your career, family, and so forth is going. If you're spending a lot time getting worked up because you can't find an answer to the big picture then maybe you need to find some things that you can occupy your time with, and things to enjoy in life. Boredom, I think, can lead to thinking this way and to having depression. You could also have physiological depression, which means the levels of some neurochemicals is wrong, causing you to feel down for no real reason, something only really a professional could diagnose and prescribe medication (antidepressants) for. Those are only really some examples, let us know if there are any other reasons you feel down and have attempted/are considering suicide, aside from not being able to answer the big questions in life.


Keep us updated : )

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