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Husband jealous over my 15 YEAR OLD BROTHER

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well, I've never seen a brother and sister to kiss ON THE LIPS before 4 that long, but still, if you husband has ANY sense, he would understand that you are not into your brother, lol...


It's really sad that your husband could be that insecure about something like that.

I mean, I do KNOW OF a bro and sis kissing on the lips because they are like best of buddies, they stood by one another their whole entire lives, they've been through alot together, it's like they are one unit, but yeah...it is a lil weird, but anyway...no excuse for your husband to be so damn stupid about it.

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It's really sad that your husband could be that insecure about something like that.

No I see where the husband is coming from - he is not insecure, he's jealous, there's a big difference. You would not be faulting the husband if it were an unrelated guy, even if he knew for a fact that Beautie was not romantically interested in the guy. Same applies to a brother. Some guys are more accepting than others of this kind of thing, but you can't moan about the husband just because he's one of the less accepting ones.

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No I see where the husband is coming from - he is not insecure, he's jealous, there's a big difference. You would not be faulting the husband if it were an unrelated guy, even if he knew for a fact that Beautie was not romantically interested in the guy. Same applies to a brother. Some guys are more accepting than others of this kind of thing, but you can't moan about the husband just because he's one of the less accepting ones.


I agree. And jealousy is actually normal, I don't believe it signals that a person is insecure. It's only weird of you overreact or are disproportionately jealous.

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I agree. And jealousy is actually normal, I don't believe it signals that a person is insecure. It's only weird of you overreact or are disproportionately jealous.



I think we are brainwashed into thinking that baing "jealous" or "selfish" in a relationship is always wrong and makes us a "bad person" but there are times when it's justified.

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Ok, if you reallllly want me to go into detail...

The kiss was mouth to mouth

It lasted about 4 seconds

My hands were on his cheeks


Shall I distribute more? He's 15.


I don't think that's weird, if how you describe it is how it really was. I was a bit thrown off myself at the "quite intense" description you gave it at one point, but I think you might have just chosen, well, maybe not the best words to describe it. As long as there was no flirtation behind it, well, I don't see the issue here. I would say my family rarely kisses each other on the lips...but I don't think we never ever have.


Your husband is over-reacting, IMO.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I suppose it's all relative (no pun intended), but I would be freaked out if my girlfriend kissed her brother for 4 seconds. I'm not saying I'd assume incest is going on or even that I'd be jealous necessarily, but it's pretty creepy. I have sisters and I do greet them with pecks on the cheek, but that's it.


Maybe YOU should worry less about your husband's reaction, and begin to examine why you're practically making out with a blood relative...

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