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panic attacks?! I'm going crazy :(

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hey people, right now I think I'm recovering from a panic attack, it lasted like 45 mins! I didn't eat much but I ate half of a big chocolate bar.. and then my heart just started going crazy, I felt weak but at the same time hyper, couldn't sit down, moved around, washed my face to feel better I was basically standing in the bathroom washing my face and phone right next to me to call 911 just in case does this happen to anyone? I hate it is this a panic attack or can it be something else? this one really lasted long I hate ittt I feel like I'm gonna die

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Actually.. it sounds like an anxiety attack.. though I am neither trained nor qualified, to diagnose. 45 minutes is a long attack.. but not *overly* long.


Feel weak.. like rubbery? a little sweaty...


Get to a therapist first, to saee if there is something major... then, on their recommendation, go to a psych. Other than that... what you just experienced is just an anxiety attack. It sucks.. but it, in itself, can't hurt you...

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Right now I'm starting to feel better but it comes all of a sudden, why would I feel anxious all of a sudden sitting in front of my pc? My legs shook a little, I couldn't even talk with my dad, I was just answering really quickly, I don't know why. Is there anything I can do to make it pass quicker/ avoid it?

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your best bet is to see a specialist, it does sound like a panic/anxiety attack, I used to have them almost everyday and they would last anywhere froma few seconds to a few hours where i would just be freaking out. there could be an underlying cause like in my case I was diagnosed as bi-polar .. and if you arent treated panic/anxiety attacks are harmful in itself but the underlying cause could be. Please seek a professional for a diagnosis.

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I was diagnosed as bi-polar .. and if you arent treated panic/anxiety attacks are harmful in itself but the underlying cause could be. Please seek a professional for a diagnosis.


you mean they ARENT harmful in itself? and what's bi-polar exactly?

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hi you,


sorry to hear you are having panic attacks. I have had the same thing.


An anxiety attack/panic attack occurs when your body misinterprets signals and indicates "Fight or flight" response in an inappropriate situation.


How to avoid them:


1. AVOID CAFFEINE. I noticed immediately that you had chocolate before this attack occurred. That is a huge trigger. I can't have coffee or I'll have an attack within the hour.


2. Notice when your body is tense: If you feel tense and your muscles are tight..you stop breathing correctly and there it goes. Release muscle tensions. Train yourself to notice when you are tense. Think about this often.


3. You were breathing in a shallow manner. If you are breathing correctly (through your diaphragm, taking deep relaxed breaths) there is no physical way you can have a panic attack. If you feel that tension approaching, close your eyes immediately and start breathing in and out very deeply.


4. If you feel one approaching, you will start thinking "I am going to have an attack! Oh no!" and start having racing thoughts. STOP THAT IMMEDIATELY. Immediately begin self talk..."I am fine, I am not going to have an attack." If you are already having one, think "I have been through this before and I will be alright. This is passing right now and I am fine, I am calm. There is no reason to worry."


It sounds silly, but it's 100% true. I used to have large amounts of attacks. Now, after following these things, I have cut it down to maybe once every 6 months or so. BIG improvement.


Be sure to go to the doctor and rule out physical problems, and do see a psychologist/therapist as soon as you can. They will help you deal, because if left untreated, it can be quite debilitating.



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Did the attack happen shortly after you ate the candy bar??? because by doing that you gave yourself a nice sugar rush.


Do go to the doctor and discuss with him/her your symtoms. Maybe start keeping a diary of when it happens. how long it lasts. And how you feel.


I've had panic/anxiety attacks. Or fight/flight response. Its the type of feeling you get when you see a huge pit bull.. and your heart jumps into your throat.. everything tightens up.. your breathing becomes erratic. You may start to sweat.. and you have that.. gotta run response. But ...there's the thing.. no big pit bull that is about to rip you appart. So you figure.. what the heck... Am I going nuts??? You are NOT nuts.


Sometimes it could be hormones or pms'y stuff going on.


Go to doc and get treated if needed.


What helps is a regular diet. Good nutrition. Kick back from the coffee and caffinaed drinks. Get enough sleep. Regular exercise helps immensely... walking. Go for a walk. When I feel an attack coming on.... learning to still your body. Deep breaths... breath in... hold it. breath out. concentrate on your breathing.


and happy happy happy thoughts. Surround your world with beautiful peaceful things... music.. etc.


Bright blessings to you.

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Yeah it happened after I ate the chocolate, it wasn't a candy bar, it was a freakin huge chocolate bar one of those mega sized ones lol


I figured nutrition, sleep, exercise helps.. I exerciced everyday for 4 months and watched my diet & didn't have a problem but now I stopped exercicing and today didn't eat much (didn't have the appetite) but instead I ate half of the hugest chocolate bar ever, and yeah my body freaked out.. lol, after it passes I say meh, and laugh it off and not go to the doctor but when it's happening, I walk with the phone in my hand ready to call 911 I should stop laughing about it and go to a doctor I guess

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Q10, everythingyou just described I experienced today. I thought I was having some sort of heart attack, thus I rushed to the emergency room and was there all day. They pointed out that my depression along with other factors piled up. I woke up this morning experiencing the same symptoms you did and I threw up slightly. Mind you, I have not thrown up since 1984, so I knew something was wrong. And just like you, my legs felt rubbery and my left shoulder hurt, which is wy I went to the ER.


Or you had a mega sugar rush. I hope it's nothing serious, but something delicious. Good luck.

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I had one in college. I came home.. all my exams were done... I ate a frozen pizza (I took the time to cook it). I took a few botes and then it hit me. I felt like I must have been poisoned... it was so odd. I called 911. they asked, can I walk...


So I drove to the emergency room... don't know how. Swearing I was poisoned by a bad Totino's Pizza! They made me wait for 45 minutes! By the time I got to see a doctore, it was gone... it had passed.


He told me I was having an anxiety attack.. and that was why.


I never figured out why I had one.. I mean, I had just finished all my exams. He said it was a "released of stored tension"...


hope this helps.. if not... you shoudl at least be able to laugh along

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Yeah it happened after I ate the chocolate, it wasn't a candy bar, it was a freakin huge chocolate bar one of those mega sized ones lol


Well, I don't know how you react to chocolate, sugar and general sweets on a regular basis but I'm a Severe Overactive Hypoglycemic, you give me too much sugar in one given setting I have symptoms which were several times misdiagnosed as panic attacks.


Only help? Reduce sugar, fix diet, exercise, consult a doctor. If you're that reactive, and it is a possibility the doctors can usually induce it during a glucose test (as pretty much, that is what you're consuming) and take the blood they need in that series test to see if it is indeed the cause.


I was originally diagnosed after having fainted and being severely sick after consuming a moderate amount of sugar laden items.


Sweaty palms and feet, chills, flashes of heat, cramping, chest feels constricted, dry throat, overproduction of salivia in some cases, numbness (especially of the jaw and tongue), uncontrollable hyperventilation like response, blurred vision, poor hearing or just understanding all together, weak legs and arms, and it just goes on.


Afterwards I usually have the joy of a mass headache (which is rare and almost nonexistent for me outside of this), stomache upset, lack of energy, so on and so forth.


Almost like your general panic attack but major difference being there are the actual Panic Attacks and then there are "Panic Attacks".


Once I regulated everything and kept on a strict system, I'm fine and dandy without complaint. Now if I teeter off and again consume too much of the bad stuff (ie Sugar Products) it comes right back, BOOM, like a bomb dropped on my head.


Personally I think it would be best to see your Family Doctor first to get their opinion on the issue. The family doctor then after all the symptoms and correlations and good stuff are looked over he or she may recommend something like a Glucose test or a referral for a Psychiatrist.


Though, I find if you think even in the slightest it has to do with the food, bring it up. In my experience, doctors are too Panic Attack happy. Anything with those symptoms it seems like they'll jump on with both feet and scream anxiety. That was my problem, I suffered for longer than I should of because it was consistently misdiagnosed for Anxiety. Suddenly one doctor actually took the time to think about the alternatives (and perhaps the fact that I had been through so many other doctors...) and gave me the glucose tolerance test. My level was horrible consistently and all the symptoms showed up. Therein, we had it. Eliminate and/or reduce the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
hey people, right now I think I'm recovering from a panic attack, it lasted like 45 mins! I didn't eat much but I ate half of a big chocolate bar.. and then my heart just started going crazy, I felt weak but at the same time hyper, couldn't sit down, moved around, washed my face to feel better I was basically standing in the bathroom washing my face and phone right next to me to call 911 just in case does this happen to anyone? I hate it is this a panic attack or can it be something else? this one really lasted long I hate ittt I feel like I'm gonna die




your not going crazy, i suffered from panic attacks and a panic disorder for about 5 years and for the first two didnt even know what it was! Id used drugs for many years and after getting clean i think the panic attacks were the price i had to pay for taking so much E, coke Anphetamines LSD, Weed etc etc, anyway, I turned into a paranoid, emotional, depressed, terribly scared person


Try the link


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This is a home course you can buy, it basically cured me, it cost me around £100 but it consisted of a relaxation Cd and a lot of facts about what cause panic attacks, and loads of exapmles by th author who suffered terribly himself. And seriously once youve read it you almost laugh at yourself at how ridiculous panic attacks are and you begin to train yourself to simply 'ignore them', it really is possible, all the best with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds like a panic attack spurred on by too much Caffeine. I suffer from severe panic attacks, they last from about 5 minutes to an hour or so. I feel the same way you did. Firstly, I'd go see a doctor if it happens again, otherwise, don't eat so much chocolate!! That's bound too make most people ill!


Sugar and Caffeine are the worst, I find I get much worse attacks when I consume this stuff. I do enjoy some chocolate and sweet things once and awhile but I am very careful and know how much I can have and get away with. Also NOT eating is the worst too, if I don't eat every 4 hours, I'll get a panic attack for sure.


If you do find yourself having one, remind yourself of what it actually is. You have not been poisoned, or are having a heart attack or dieing or whatever focus you have given to your sudden onset of "fear". I usually find something comforting to watch on TV, or read something, anything to get my mind engaged in other thoughts, it's hard but it works. Also having someone there who understands your attacks helps so much. My boyfriend will sit with me and remind me of how ridiculous my fears are and make sure I breath deeply and slowly. It really works for me.


Be careful with doctors, they love to diagnose and pump you full of various drugs, I have chosen to fight my anxiety without drugs and I am much happier. I think drugs just intensify it anyways and you get dependent on them.


So no worries girl, you'll be fine, just lay off that chocolate and make sure you don't go without eating all day!

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