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Division of "Household" labor

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I stay home but homeschool and volunteer which works out to about 50 hours a week. I cook and clean the kitchen and bathroom, he cleans the living room and does the laundry, we are all responsible for picking up after ourselves and cleaning our own rooms.


He mows, I garden. We don't get enough snow to shovel.



I do all the grocery shopping and meal planning, he pays all the bills and does the checkbook.

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Hubby's exclusive chores are bringing home the bacon, scooping cat litter (I luckily fobbed that off when I got pregnant and haven't done it since I gave birth - still waiting for him to say something ), taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, and taking care of the finances. I clean, do laundry, go grocery shopping, make meal plans, etc. I also take care of our 2-month-old during the day, but he takes over in the evenings. We split up the middle-of-the-night feedings. Our son's on a pretty strict schedule - I do the 12am feeding, he does the 4am feeding because that's when he's up for work anyway.


The only "chore" that's not exclusive to either one of us is kitchen duty. I have been cooking most often, but I'm definitely on a "trying new things" kick. (Most recently, avgolemono, a Greek lemon and egg soup. Nummy.) I take care of breakfast and lunch dishes, whoever doesn't cook takes care of the supper dishes. We definitely split up cooking duties, though. Whoever feels like cooking, cooks. We both love it.


We also split equally the duty of thanking God that we live in central Mississippi, where it snows once in a blue moon. I believe tonight's my night.


My husband definitely helps with my chores, which is nice, since I can't help him program a computer. He will do anything that I'm either too tired to do or don't feel like doing. He'll help if I ask, he'll help if I don't ask. I like him.

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How are you doing with homeschooling? I don't think I would ever be good at that. I did great in English, Science and History...terrible @ math,....and I am the bookeeper here at work.lol


we do great. I have some pretty good community support though through a co-op so if I ever don't want to teach something or can't then someone else in the group who can will. For example I teach grammar (can't tell by my posting but it's my day off) and my friend teaches chemistry (she has a BA in Science)


Other than that, most of the kids go to the local university for math and science on the highschool level, they have classes for homeschoolers and you get an accredited diploma even though it's mostly self study (you have to show up for lab and to take tests)

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Both my partner and I both work full-time - well, I do until 2 hours from now and then I will be a full-time student (plus part-time worker if I can find a damn job!).


We divide things pretty evenly, I do the shopping, cooking, he does the dishes and does general cleaning. I will do bigger cleanups once a week of the bathrooms (he won't TOUCH the bathroom!) and the floors. He mows, I water and pull the weeds and stuff.


We both do the budget/financial worksheet balancing, take out the trash (though I will usually do it as I am up early to go for a run anyway).


We both do the things like painting, fixing evenly (maybe I do more painting and he does more fixing!). Though he does take on the more intensive ones like plumbing/wiring issues!


We both do the Home Depot trips though as we both love going!


Of course, we are also pretty flexible about covering when one of us can't, or is sick or away, or something. It will be a new adjustment when I start school as I won't be around as often to make dinner and so on, though I know he will be okay!

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Both my husband and I work full time.


I do most of the cooking (he usually takes care of it the days he has off, but I work)

loading/unloading dishwasher is pretty much shared

he dusts, I vacuum/sweep (mostly hardwood floors here)

he does laundry

I clean the bathrooms/kitchen because I don't like the way he does it.

he mows the lawn, I do most of the other yard work (garden/pond maintenance)

We do grocery shopping together

He usually does garbage detail...although I usually bring the empty bin back to the garage.

He feeds the cats, I clean the litter boxes


bills get split like this:

I take care of the house payment & groceries

He picks up the rest of the monthly household bills

I pay for my car

He pays for his car

We pay for car insurance out of shared savings

We take turns paying for meals out/movie tickets/entertainment

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My grrrrlfriend and I aren't living together yet, but here's what I think will happen (based on our convos about it):



cleaning, wash (except for her CG uniforms..lol), general fixing-of-broken-stuff, organizational stuff, making the bed (er, futon...XD), dealing with my "box garden and potted plants", sewing, paying for my van/phone/insurance/internet.



cooking, washing her CG uniforms, fixing anything I can't, trash duty, dealing with the landlord, paying for her van/phone/insurance/internet, paying for groceries.


We'll both be working, of course.

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My BF and I live together. I go to school every weekday and I also work full time. On the nights both of us are home together I cook - but it's only 2-3 nights a week. The rest of the night's he's at work and he brings his own meals or goes out and gets something.


I do all of the laundry, cleaning and all household maintainence. We live in a townhome so our yard is taken care of - but I do keep a patio garden but that's my own hobby so I don't expect him to help with it. He's pretty lazy when it comes to housework but he will do something if I ask him to. I did get on his case about putting his dishes in the dishwasher instead of leaving them in the sink - so he does that now and he'll occasionally empty the dishwasher or start it without me asking.


As for bills we split things evenly. Each pay half the rent...I pay utilities and he pays for cable and internet. His father pays for his car and I pay for mine...he has things a lot easier than I do but he's willing to pay for groceries when I can't.


When we go out to eat he usually pays...when we go to movies I pay for the tickets and he buys the food.


If we were to ever get married I'd want an arrangment of something like him paying the house payment and I'd take care of groceries and household items.

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Ok.. Here is how mine breaks down:



Cooking ........check




Fixing Stuff.....check

Car Maint.......check

Raising kids.....check

Bread Winner...check


FT student......check

Pulling hair out..check

Dressing kids.....check




5 minutes with supernanny, a valium, and a hot bath......Priceless....

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My boyfriend and I both work a full-time 9-5 job. I take distance education classwork when I can (and am trying to pay back my hefty student loan), and he sometimes does contract software development work for people. We live in a basement suite, so we don't have a yard to take care of yet.


I do all the laundry, the dishes every day, and I tidy the bedroom. We will both help with meals - except I'll usually prep and clean up, and he'll do the actual cooking. We both go grocery shopping together, but he pays for it all - and he also does all the finances.


We have also divided the weekly chores up. He usually cleans and scrubs the bathroom, and I'll sweep and vacuum the rest of the house. Anything that needs "fixing" he'll take care of. Anything that needs to be prettier, I'll probably end up doing. haha


He makes about $10k more than me a year, so we both agree that it's only fair he pays for all of the groceries, and expenses towards the place. If we go on trips, he will pay for basically everything except for meals (which I will pay for). That way, I can concentrate on paying off my student loans, and saving up money to buy property together one of these days.

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