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Shaving & dry skin . . . any advice??

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My hair tend to grow out very fast . . . so usually I would have to shave my armpits and legs everyday or it will be stubbly. The excessive shaving is making my legs really really dry, especially during the winter time. And when it's dry it itches and I end up scratching my legs to death and sometimes can't even get a good night of sleep because of this. I've tried different kinds of body moisturizers but none of them seem to work. Does anyone have any good suggestions on any brands of moisturizers??

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Go to your spa and get waxed! It is uncomfortable the first time. The benefits are awesome... your hair will grow in thinner and more fine... it is an excellent way to exfoliate the skin to get rid of the dead/dry skin... No need to buy razors $$$


If you go on a regular basis eventually the bulb of the hair will be destroyed and the hair will never grow back.


Get a facial while you're there, too. You deserve it!

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I have to shave everyday, I hear you loud and clear sister. Try using a Mac 3 Razor, they cut really close, and yes are designed for men, but work wonders. Then use curel lotion after shaving. I want to wax my legs too but I cannot go with stubble, especially when I wear shorts to the gym everyday.

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I like the Venus razor- it seems to be less harsh on the skin. I always use cocoa butter lotion on my legs after and it seems to do the trick.


For under your arms- deodorant has a lot to do with the skin drying out there too. I found that the one's made by Dove help keep the area smoothe and soft, despite shaving daily.


Also stay hydrated from the inside too. Drink a lot of water....maybe consider a vitamin E supplement.




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I used to be like you until I found something that worked for me. I use Shick Quatro for women. You get a better shave and I find that its less drying.And I use a body wash for shaving. For moisturizing I use Vaseline® Intensive Care® Aloe Cool and Fresh. The aloe vera in it helps if you get razor burn. Hope this helps.

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Oh yes, I hear you too. I have such bad dry patches in the winter that I've even had to go to the doctor! Bad bad bad! It's worse lately because I've been using Retin-A and it makes the skin everywhere super sensitive for me. Anyway, so here's what has worked for me:

1. I try to go as long as possible without shaving

2. Shave right at the end of the shower!

3. I use the Mach 3 with shaving cream that has aloe or vitamin E - anything more or less is too much for my skin

4. Don't press too hard when shaving - I used to press a little harder because then I would get a closer shave and not get stubble for longer

5. Pat the legs dry (don't rub vigorously) and immediately put lotion on. Nivea works well for me, but it can be a little slimy sometimes.


But the number one thing that helped me is what Belladonna mentioned - drinking lots of water!! That made the single biggest difference (and in other areas too).


Good luck - hope you feel better!



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