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Tell me the most ridiculous, illogical, thing that your Ex has ever said to you!

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we make love and I am the most amazing boyfriend in the world.

Her will never leave you you are my world, I love you so much.



Her when do you think is right for us to move in together, you dont really sound keen.

Me: I am, its just too serious to discuss via text message

Her to pressure you



Her love you loads



Her need space


Her: You dont sound too phased

Me: ????



Her seem distant with me

Me: Well I feel a bit uncomfortable as you dont know what you want

Her: I do, I am not changing my mind



Her: I have been thinking and I am not ready for a relationship, i want o be on my own

Me: ?????????????????


Two and half weeks NC! Unbelievable, cannot fathom it for the life of me.

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She had invited me out on saturday night. She SMSd me as I was getting ready to meet her.


"Sorry Rob, I'm going to have to cancel tonight. I was talking to my housemate about it and she was going on about how good it would be to have a girls' night out. I didn't have the heart to tell her I wanted you there."


She then invited me out the next day, Sunday, and did the same thing. I was already on my way to meet her when I got the SMS.

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One or Two good ones!


I love you too pieces but need my own life (what)


Lets just be friends that F*$K (oh let's not)


We love each other but can't live together (yeah yeah yeah see above)


After I slept with the Prostitute and caught the clap I realised how in love with you I was (WHHHHATTTT)

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My ex chose to pick a big fight with me for no reason at all. I guess that was his way of getting out of the relationship. Anyway, when he broke up with me 3 weeks ago, he said a lot of hurtful words to me and he blamed me for the failure of the relationship. (1) He told me I was acting selfish. How can that be when from the very start of the relationship he was the one calling the shots? We only go out and see each other when he wants to. Otherwise, if I wanted to go out and see him, he had his 101 excuses including his babies (he is a single dad with twins). (2) The day after he broke up with me, he left me a message telling me to back off about 5 knotches. Why would he ask me to back off when in the first place, we're over?

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ex gf...tells me its over...she doesn't want to be in a relationship with me anymore and to just leave her alone....


my response....


to keep asking her 'why' - duh!


because she doesn't want to idiot! not the sharpest tool in the shed i am at times.....

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she told me:


i need to know if i'm gaining more than i am losing


I know i'm hurting you, but i have to put myself first.


after she cheated:


you're amazing, such an amazing person. to have met you is a blessing, to meet another like you twice in a lifetime isn't going to happen


you're the exception to so many people out there.


you're the only true, sane person in my life (i'm not in her life anymore.)


I still want you in my life (yeah right, after your fun and exciting time, dealing witht he emotion hangover.)


my response to this? well, tears, anger, sadness, feeling of loss and a general feeling of F-Off!

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