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27 year old woman and a 52 year old man?

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well, it depends on the people involved, where they are in their lives, and how good a fit they are.


if you are a good fit, why care what others say?


I personally wouldn't date a 52 year old, or even a guy over 35 or so. But that is just me. I don't look down on people who are in age gaps though - whatever works for you.

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Ah well, I am 27 and have to say it does not interest me personally.


I feel it's their choice as they are both legal, but I definitely would NOT feel on the same wavelength as someone whom is older than any of my parents! But, if you feel happy, and he feels happy....power to you.



I would also be concerned long term...of course I know some 50+ somethings whom are in extremely great health and shape and can kick my butt on the trails....but still, the fact is when I am 40, they would 66 and retiring....and I would be still in the middle of my career....and I would want children, and wonder if they would be up for that...and if they would be up for YOUNG children...and so on. Granted, I could have health problems next YEAR, but still....for me these are just things I would think about.


I have found plenty of men much closer to my age whom are far more compatible in terms of what I am personally looking for anyway, so have not really every had the desire to date that "far ahead"!

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It weird to me but plenty of people are in relationships with large age gaps. If it works for them, that's great. If you know this girl you might want to make sure she knows what she's getting into. If she's really serious about this guy, she should think long and hard about whether she wants kids and what that means with respect to the age of her lover. Does she want her kid to have a dad whose 70+ when he goes to college?

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I'm 34 with a 53 yr old guy. Oh, we're so perfect for each other. We're on the same wavelength. I love him very much. We've been together for 4 years, and it just gets better and better. I've never had such a great relationship or been so happy. Everyone has been supportive, but it wouldn't change anything if they weren't. I might have let it bother me when I was younger, but not after to hell I've been through. If you find peace and happiness, take it!

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I'd recommend finding out if he's on beta-blockers. If you've already been to his house and he has prescription bottles out where you can read the names w/o snooping, many beta-blockers' names end in -olol.


Personally the age itself isn't an issue, but I have a heck of a lot more respect for a man who's able to have a relationship with a woman roughly his age, with equal achievement, socioeconomic standing and so on. I've gone out a few times with much-older men (e.g. 49 when I was 22), and the immaturity issues (theirs) come out pretty quickly.

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