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Women: What are YOUR flirting techniques?

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it drives me crazy when girls play with my head. some of them will walk by me and flick there hair in my face in a snobish way. im rather turned on by that btw. i also get alittle angry b/c its so disrespectful. some will cut me off as im walking and i have to stop or i might bump into them and apologize even tho its not my fault. when im in class some girls will start laughing when i answer questions. i get really good grades and so my teachers like me and i get away with pretty much anything i say. they sit in funny positions and talk outloud also. they usually do things in groups. my buddies and i just ignore them.

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it drives me crazy when girls play with my head. some of them will walk by me and flick there hair in my face in a snobish way. im rather turned on by that btw. i also get alittle angry b/c its so disrespectful. some will cut me off as im walking and i have to stop or i might bump into them and apologize even tho its not my fault. when im in class some girls will start laughing when i answer questions. i get really good grades and so my teachers like me and i get away with pretty much anything i say. they sit in funny positions and talk outloud also. they usually do things in groups. my buddies and i just ignore them.


my boyfriend said he went ga-ga when i walked past him and i brushed myself against him and my hair stroked his face as i did it lol.

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I guess my techniques must be pretty good to have such an effect when people are only reading about them.


I'll tell you one thing: ALOT of women don't show their interest as good as you do. That's extremely rare where I'm from. Usually they just walk into your view with no expression on the face hoping you automatically jump on them. Like just being seen is enough. By the way, is that a picture of you on side?

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Precisely as I thought. I mean most women pretty much know where their breasts are at all times, and just how much room they need? Is this true? I would think so myself. Especially in a work environment and considering I was about waist level looking for a file in a drawer.

Breasts simply don't go off on their own suddenly that low even if they are big. Here I was minding my own business, and suddenly get struck by --- Needless to say I was rather fond of it.


So, that being said...this was not an accident??


lol...well I mean were you two setting up a computer, were you in a cramped environment...that could be a mitigating factor I suppose...


Given enough room, I'm probably not going to rub my boobs up against some coworker-guy as a way of saying...did you get that report done, yet?

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LOL...yeah, best to take that approach only to a guy who is smoking himself.




A really intimidating hot-mama i-banker friend of mine in the city told me the flirt technique of touching the guy's hand as he's holding the light. But a huge %age of men simply hand her their lighter, even when they're giving all other signs of flirting with her. And if she asks them to light it for her, they look at her like she's disabled or something.


I smoke half a cigarette once a year, but always ask for a light. I'm turned off by regular smokers, but find myself equally turned off to men who reply WHAT?! Oh NO, I don't SMOKE!


Two take-aways here: 1) if she asks for a light, she might be flirting a bit! 2) one cigarette does not a chain-smoker make!

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The other night down at that club I went outside to the smoking section to find one of my gfs. She was talking to this group of guys. One of the guys was picking on me because of my platform shoes, so I put him in a headlock. Well no joke that guy followed me all over that whole club all night. And that is a big crowded club it's hard to find someone if they're trying to lose you. I kept trying to ditch him or pass him off on my friend cuz he was hot and she liked him. But this guy would not be ditched.


So I'm thinking, headlock? Is that the way? From what Arco said guys like being disrespected. So confused...

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Before I got with my bf I did many things to get his attention.


In Math I'd sit near him and glance at him occasionally until we made eye contact. I bit my bottom lip while talking to him. I brushed my hand through my hair all slowly and tilted my head back so my hair would tossle down infront of him.


Out of class I'd smile at him from a distance, showing him that he was the only one I was watching out of the entire crowd.


I guess it worked because the more I did these things the more I caught him staring and then we got together.

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