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Walking the quiet suburban road,

cigarette in hand.

Rain tatters against warm pavement.

A car passes by.

Viewing the family of trees in the distance.

Reminisce distant memories,

broken dreams.

Inhale, exhale.


The steady sound of footsteps,

quietly disturbing small puddles.

Teenage angst comes and departs.

The sky is gray, yet sadness is absent.

A car passes by.

Life moves slowly,

drizzle gives a cool sensation.

Refreshing, calm, tranquil.

Inhale, Exhale.


Walking the lonely road,

new life has taken control.

Vivid images of future

distorted memories.

A car passes by.

Smell the humidity,

a subtle thought of eternal peace.

Inhale, Exhale.


A new beginning for an aged past.

What once was bright, seems so dark.

Life distorted.

Death repulsed.

Flicks the cigarette,

embers give a short whistle

as rain lightly touches.

Renewed faith for a better existence.

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Thanks guys. I wrote it to show that I've discovered even the most simple things in life (such as taking a short walk) are very meaningful. I am always in deep thought no matter what I'm doing.


Tried to combine 3 different worlds; Nature, Emotion, Suburban.

They all had a link...even though you can look at a rainy sky, you can still find happiness, as long as you feel happy. Don't let a rainy day upset your serenity.


Hah. Thanks a lot for the feedback.

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