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Annoying non-stop talker ...

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A woman in my circle of friends is a non-stop talker. And 90 percent of the time, she's talking about herself. It irritates the heck outta me, plus I find her boring.


My problem is that I seem to be in the minority. Other people put up with her fine. So when we're in a group, and she starts yakking, others listen. I need to be able to get a word in edgewise or at least listen to something interesting in order to stay engaged in the conversation.


Lately I've been allowing myself to mentally check out of the discussion, which I know is rude, but I can't help it. I'll stare off in space. I'll fiddle with things or try to daydream. I've tried redirecting the conversation, but you can only do that so many times -- especially when others in the group appear to be listening, at least politely.


I don't know what else to do to keep my sanity around this woman. There's no chance either she or I will be leaving our circle of friends. Any suggestions???

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Yea, blabbermouths people can be so annoying as heck, esp. when they're bragging about themselves. That woman probably has low confidence and only appears how others perceive her to be (she's wearing a mask underneath her insecurities). If others are listening to her, you can either wait tell she finishing and then get your chance to talk or find someone you trust in that group of friends and tell him/her about how annoying that woman is.

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I think the solution is simple: deal with your friends separately from her. Invite one of them for lunch once a week for a month (or until you've seen them all) and use the time alone with them to determine if the quality of your friendship with all of them is good enough to tolerate dealing with Miss Talksalot. If not, deal only with the ones you like on a one to one basis.

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There are 2 non-stop talkers in my circle of friends. The only one I've really mentioned the fact that they're non-stop talkers is my boyfriend and he agrees lol.


I don't know how some people can talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING without a single pause...

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Well, what I've noticed is that whenever this woman talks, my world feels like it shrinks. Nobody's THAT interesting. I agree that she probably feels insecure and tries very hard to be "interesting." Unfortunately, she's just not...at least to me.

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K8tie Kool:


I have four older sisters, three of which are excessive talkers. It's to the point where I don't enjoy their company when we're all together. One-on-one seems to work better for me. It's the family get-togethers that I dread. I find myself doing what you're doing, mentally checking out or daydreaming and wondering how long they're going to keep talking. They tend to take ove the party discussion which is really no discussion at all but everyone listening to them go on and on about themselves and their families, BLABLABLA..... I find it interesting, too, that everyone else seems to be listening and entertained by all this.


I have decided that communication through e-mail is best. I can keep it short on my end, though they tend to write extremely long and detailed e-mails, too.


I will check in to see what suggestions you get.



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