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Wow....just wow......2006 needs a reset button

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(try to imagine in jack sparrow saying this)


You know the feeling you get when you have a feeling about a certain feeling.

Well I now have the feeling you get when you learn that the first feeling was right about the second feeling and then there is no feeling.




ok so enough of trying to lighten my mood.




Karma , Karma , Karma


I so wish I could be there with a camera so I can capture forever the moment when it all comes around and gets her. I know that you don't wish bad things on other people, you wish good things on yourself but you know what I am tired of doing the right thing, for once I get to be selfish and want to be on the winning side.



How much energy and time and money did I waste on her? Staggering I am sure. She said she loved me even till the end.....only thing was she was saying it to another guy as well. Seriously I REALLY do feel sorry for this guy. He has no idea what he has gotten himself into with her. Serious the joke explains how I feel





A older man had saved up his money for his entire life and could finally afford his dream car. He was riding it around the hills of California enjoying the speed when a cop started chasing him and telling him to stop.


The man thought "Hey, why not?" and and gunned it. The cop followed in hot pursuit, still yelling for the man to pull to the side of the road.


After several minutes the man thought to himself "What the heck am I doing? I'm too old to be doing this stuff!" and stopped, letting the cop catch up and pulled over


The cop stepped up to the man and said, "sir, it's the end of my shift and I want to take my kids to Disneyland tomorrow. I really don't want to fill out the report on this whole escapade, so if you can give me a REALLY good reason why you made me chase you that entire time I'll let you go."


The man, surprised but not missing a beat, replied, "decades ago my wife ran away with a cop from California. I saw you chasing me and thought you had finally found me again and were bringing her back."


The cop walked away without another word.







I have put up with most incredible (insert a 4 letter word) you can imagine from her for the past 3-4 years. I seriously feel stupid that I put up with her for as long as I did, but hey love makes you do stupid things (like give up your family, friends, dreams, and religion) but guess that wasn't enough for her. Once again I am the bad guy, let her rant and rave all she can , as loud as she can about how I was such a terrible husband, and once I again I will sit silent and just watch. I was not perfect by a longshot but you know I tried very hard and I was serious and loyal. I guess I didn't get the marriage handbook that contains all the instructions like she did when we got married.


I guess I am lucky in a way. She has had me in such a constant state of hell these past few months that I been through that whole grieving process several times now. We were all such good friends they brought their friends like debt and insommina. Now that the final nail has hammered in, all I can say is....I really do feel great. This great weight has been lifted and I can finally get on with my life. I know there is still some shock, but hey I would much rather feel the way I feel now then the way I felt the past few months.



I am not psyhic or anything but I would say I can predict the future pretty well. I know as sure as the sun rises that she will be calling me in a couple of months......I know it.....I will even place money on it I am so sure of it. I totally believe in Karma, so it isin fate's hands now to dish out divine retribution. If I deserve anything let it come and I will take it with a smile. She on the other hand of the cosmic scale.......I think it would be a fine time to start buying future Nevada Beach Front Property.


Why does 2006 need a reset button? because then I would not of wasted 12 dollars a pop to go see this spring and summer horrible movie selection

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Hey Heartless,


Your post definitely conveys the mind of a man whom is definitely very astute to what happened, on both sides.


It sounds like you lost a lot of whom you were to make her happy, and be "perfect" for her. Which is sad in many ways, as it is sad that you were not accepted and loved for whom you were, and it is sad because now you are going to feel even more loss. Not just for her/marriage, but for that person you were. On the PLUS side, you get to go rediscover whom you are all over again, and hey, that can be extremely enriching and fun!


I just have one bone I want to pick with you. True love NEVER has you give up your friends, family, dreams, passions, religion, and so forth. True love has you share those with one another, nourish them in one another and support them. If you ever have to give all of those up for someone....honestly, it's not true love. True love accepts us as a complete package, and we accept others in the same way...and true love enriches our lives - not replaces it.


Hang in there,



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  • 3 weeks later...

i like your post heartless, im glad you feel better. I say the same thing to myself, when and how is karma going to come back to bite her. and i too sometimes get in that kind of mood, where i look back and say good riddence, unfortunately like 5 or 10 minutes later im almost in tears looking back...i cant wait to be where you are now.

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Hey Heartlessagain, I hear ya. I gave up way too much of myself for my ex too. Way way too much. KayRAY was so right on with everything she said.

Right now I am still at the point where I want to be there at that moment to capture that photo of my ex too. The thing is though, I won't ever see that,

because I hope that by the time that ever happens I won't give a crap anymore...gotta keep going forward and to see that, I would have to go back.

Not Happening~(and sometimes that feels like it's ripping my heart out...BUT)

I am worth getting through this, and the H*ll away from her.

Take care

Loved the joke.

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