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cute? beautiful?

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I'm just picky about wording, but I've never liked the word cute. It's always made me think of something little and chubby. And the word beautiful, I'm weird about it, but usually if I call someone that I'm not just talking about their appearance, I'm meaning how they look and who they are. If I'm only talking about appearance I'll use a different word.



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To me they can mean very different things:


Cute/Pretty- usually petite but not always, and is affectionate and smiles alot. a cute girl to me is someone who is usually quiet, and just seems sort of innocent. That doesnt mean they arent sexy, just that they are attractive in a different way.


Beautiful- can really be applied to any type of girl. You can have a beautiful hot girl, a beautiful cute girl or whatever. Beautiful just means they are attractive in some way.


Hot- These are the girls that, when you see them, all you think about is sex. These girls sometimes mean trouble. they are almost the opposite of cute, because they dont seem innocent at all.


At least thats how I describe girls to my friends. I'll tell them she's cute if shes more the girl next door or hot if she looks like a one night stand kind of girl.


To me a cute/pretty girl is way more attractive than a hot girl.

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lol, I just remembered.


One time, me and my friend were at this museum. We were checking out some exhibits. And there were these two guys hanging around, and we got the picture they were checking us out. Then we heard them talking amongst theselves and gesturing towards us, and we could hear one of them say, "Which one?" The other said, "The hot one."


LOL. Imagine the look my girlfriend and I exchanged with eachother (Like, which one of us is "The hot one??"). Then we started laughing. It was kind of funny.

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Hmm, I understand where you are coming from with this, and I would describe them in a similar way.


However, you describe hot as if it is mutually exclusive from any other descriptive factor. I don't think being hot means you can't be cute, pretty, or beautiful.

I think "hot" is usually used to describe someone who has a certain body type. You think about sex, because when you see them, you notice certain body parts - boobs and butt. Or perhaps they are just very toned. Either way, I would say hot refers more to body.


I think of pretty or beautiful as referring more to the face (although, for some reason, I imagine beautiful girls as more of the slender, classic, model-types...but that's probably just social conditioning)


Cute, imo, can be the whole picture, and can refer to things like what someone is dressed in.


For example....

someone like Scarlett Johannson. I could describe her as beautiful or pretty, and sometimes even innocent. She certainly doesn't look dangerous, like Angelina Jolie does.


However, a lot of guys would also describe her as hot, becuase of her womanly figure.


So where do you decide whether a girl like this would be the one night stand kind of girl or the girl next door kind of girl?

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Personally, I would like to be called. Period.


"Hey you" would do just fine with me, regardless of the adjective.


BUT-- I get pretty alot more than cute or beautiful. I think pretty is sort of middle ground. It is what you say to parents of ugly babies and about the sweater you will never wear from grandma. I think pretty is just sort of an all purpose bandaid word when you don't know how to tell someone their head reminds you of Betty Boop.

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