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Questions for pediatrician?

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I gave birth 11 weeks early on June 4th. My son has been in the NICU since then, and will probably be coming home this week. \\


I have an interview with a potential pediatrician tomorrow. I'd like to see if I'm comfortable with her, but I have no clue what to ask her! I don't want to waste her time, but I'd really like to feel her out before I officially make her my son's doctor. Such a pain in the butt to switch doctors, after all.


Does anyone have any suggestions as to what questions I can ask or what I can talk about?

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Perhaps her credentials (does she have experience with high risk newborns?)


How long she's been in practice, does she have children of her own (can affect how she feels about her patients- mostly in a good way because she will be more sympathetic to your needs as a parent),


How long does she typically have time for in an appointment, is she available after hours for a phone consult (as Annie24 said) or is there someone she recommends..


Explain that you are a new parent to a high risk infant and may have many questions when you come in, and see how she responds. You will likely get a feel from her if she is someone that you would trust.


It helps as you think of questions (even about your baby) to write them down for her so you have them all ready when you go to your appts.

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Does she recognise that the parents need to be fully informed about the child's progress, problems etc. and is she prepared to take the time to explain things properly and answer questions.


Does she have a problem with referring the child to specialists if necessary early in the process rather than later.

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Everyone has given you great advice. I love the pediatrician that I had with my children, He was a one in a million type of man and doctor. He had even given us his personal home phone number to call whenever I had serious concerns with the children.


That was such a great thing for him to do. He would even come and check the children even if he was not the doctor on call on a particular night. I hope you are successful in finding a pediatrician that suits your needs.

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