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Meeting with husband and couselor at the hosptial

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Today, I'm meeting with my husband and his counselor at the hospital, it is what they call a family group session. Here is what I hope to happen, I hope that his counselor will here my side of the story and help my husband accept that this marriage is over, and to help him with the denial that it is over. I hae already filed. He calls me from the hospital twice a day, and talks about us starting over, doing things more together, etc. He is in complete denial, I don't even comment when he says stuff like this, because before he admitted himself into the hospital, when I would try to get him to accept that the marriage is over, it would only cause conflict and turmoil, and trust me I have had more than enough of that from him before he went to the hospital, for those who have read my past post knows what I'm talking about.

Why want he accept this?? And why after all the damage he has done to our marriage over the years, why does a small part of me feel sorry for him and sad??

It was hard for me to come to terms that our marriage is over after 20 years and two children. But with everything that has happened over the years and up to the present time, I decided that this marriage is and has not been healthy for me our my children for a long time. Read my past post and you will understand why I'm saying this.

I really would like for us to end things on pleasant terms because we share two children and we will always have to deal with one another, no divorce will ever change that.

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I think this is a very good idea. Make sure that you tell him everything on your mind including what he has done to you, how you have felt over these years, the pain, the hurt and also about you having sex with another man.

At rock bottom in life, and I mean for the both of you, everything should be brought up, maybe not too much information all at once for fear of overload and hurt overlooked but over a course of sessions through time. You have someone now who can see both sides and help you through, help him understand what he has done etc now, please take care and I wish you the best of luck.

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Hi blue,


I have followed your posts, and I can honestly say I'm glad to hear you have made your decision to leave. No it's not easy, but you are definitely making the right decision.


Divorce won't be easy on you, as you've said. But you will feel better in time. You will mourn the relationship just as any other, after all the two of you were together for 20 years.


I'm glad to hear you feel confident in your decision and good luck today at the hospital.

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