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my husband was admitted to the hospital

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Well, yesterday after they evaluated my husband and was told of what took place in our home they admitted him, which came as no surprise. Now, my mother in law bought him a calling card, so now he his calling me, Today, he said once he got his emotions in tact, that he would like for us to start over, and he appologized that he was putting pressure on me before he went into the hosptial, however to a degree he was putting pressure on me, we can start over, go for walks, go out to dinner alone, go to church etc.

He thinks that I have made a hasty decision far as filing for divorce. I just want him to accept that I'm done. Why does he keep insisiting to work this out, he has totally pushed me to my limits. Too much damage has been done, I want something healthy and what I have been dealing with is not healthy,

Example: 1-900 sex phone numbers and me pregnanat, phone got disconnected, showing nude pic. of himself to my sister of all people. Talking out of context to on of my dearest and closest friends, badgering me about having sex with another man and letting him watch, Then on top of all this cheating on me 5 years ago.

He wants me to to learn to trust him again, I'm so worn down due to taking care of him while he has been ill, and then with all the other crap he has put me through.

I want to be left alone and have some peace and happiness even if that means never having another relationship.

Why can he just accept it and let us all move forward.

Then to make matters worst I'm having female problems, been to gyn. proably going to have to have a DNC in a couple of months. Why oh Why???

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Why did they evaluate your husband?


I had a feeling he was going on porn sites and doing stuff over the webcam.


I'm sorry you have to go through all of this stuff before you get true happiness. I know you'll succeed if you keep strong.


Good luck and take care.

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Well, I don't know about porn sites, he very well may have been, but I don't have proof of that, just the other stuff I mentioned. I would not put anything past him.

A part of me feels angry at me, I should have got out of this long ago, when he done all that other stuff, Someone who's mind thinks like that, there has to be something very wrong. Or is he just a pure out pervert??? I have so many questions, but still no answers.

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