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What makes it so hard to be alone?

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"Love is made by God. Ignore it and you suffer as you cannot imagine."- Tristan and Isolde


So many heartbreaks, depression, hopelessness and loss. When we are alone, things in time falter- especially our faiths. When things go away, we feel pain. Why do we all try so hard to cling onto people that make us feel good? Why are there so many problems when those people don't exist? What do you really do when they DON'T exist?


I find that it's my daily relationships that I look forward to each day or at least the hope of their subtle growths. Alone, I am doing things to make myself into a better person so that I may experience the world happier. I write- wanting to feel connected. I exercise so that I may have energy to. I eat so that I may live tomorrow. I know that secretly I am looking for love in my life by every action I take- even loving myself is to get me ready to love someday another. If there were no other people in the world, it seems the point would be lost and THAT'S how I know.


I don't have any big philosophies to analyze this. I'm just asking. Where's the strength? Where are we by ourselves? Single, yes. Alone, yes.- All words that hurt and have been made negative. When is it ever a good thing? Why do we make it so bad? I think that there's something missing from us all. Maybe an insight. Maybe many insights.


I haven't found happiness through any one thing (unless I counted God but I consider that the source of all things, and thereforeeee more than by just one thing does it come through in my life). It's happened to me as I've gotten older- I've gotten independent yet more needy all the same in some ways. I know too many philosophies to really commit to a single belief- my mind is trained to expand it not keep with it. So at the same time, I'm an open person, I'm a scared person. I feel everyone's a stranger and getting close is hard because we're all a little empty. There are some people I just CANT imagine being alone without thinking of them distracted or unhappy.


Well, what do you say about it? Personally, I mean.

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Nothing in the universe brings happyness, exept loving and helping other people. You see the universe acts like a mirror, what you cast into it, will reflect back on you. If its hatred and darkness, misery will befallen you, if you cast love and light, then happyness will be casted back on you. Those who don't realise this feel empty inside, and will try everything to fill that emptyness in their souls to no avail. You see love is for our souls, as to what gasoline is for a car, without it we cannot move forward.


Fear is a state of hell, imagine if you where in a room with a door but too afraid to go thru that door, then that room becomes a prison. That's why even if a situation brings pain, its important that we push thru that pain so we can move forward in our lives, because that's less worse then being imprisoned in that room. Fear is absurd, you see what is needed in life is not fear, nothing can grow from that, cast off your fear, go forward, move forward, retreat and you will age, hesitate and you will die.

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I disagree with a few things here...


There are plenty of people who do good things and are not happy...


There are plenty of highly religious people who are not happy...


People can be completely selfish and still be happy…


People can be alone and happy…


There are some pretty interesting articles to be found on google in regards to happiness, be careful when using opinion over fact.

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I disagree with a few things here...


There are plenty of people who do good things and are not happy...


There are plenty of highly religious people who are not happy...


People can be completely selfish and still be happy…


People can be alone and happy…


There are some pretty interesting articles to be found on google in regards to happiness, be careful when using opinion over fact.


It's when your heart is in the things you do that make you happy. Even if the heart believes an illusion, whatever it feels is in the end your choice. "Good" and "religious" and "selfish" are all such labels in life. Happiness shines through in how much you give and by how much you want to- WHATEVER you're giving to. That doesn't matter. It's when the heart feels expanded and you yourself grow that true happiness can dwelve into. I'm alone a lot and although I feel content, my happiness is based more merely on the idea that I'm taking care of myself BY myself. When I really pay attention to how alone I am, I feel nothing because there's nothing else THERE> it's all in what you choose to look at and how.

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