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Question: Do you delete your ex's contact from MSN / Myspace?

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Just a question to throw out there. Do you think it is better to delete your ex's MSN / myspace contact? I do not have myspace, but I did delete my ex's MSN contact (although she can still send me messages). They do not know they have been deleted. It is just that you cannot see them online anymore.


I am curious to what the experts think as well.

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Just a question to throw out there. Do you think it is better to delete your ex's MSN / myspace contact? I do not have myspace, but I did delete my ex's MSN contact (although she can still send me messages). They do not know they have been deleted. It is just that you cannot see them online anymore.


I am curious to what the experts think as well.


yes, i deleted my ex of my friendster and myspace pages. i did it so that i can't see any updates she's made and so i won't be tempted to look at them. it has helped as i haven't looked in about 2.5 months.


i also deleted and blocked her from my AIM list. glad i did that too. she can't see me when i am online and i can't see her. just as well.


i think what you did was a good thing - for you.

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I got weak about three months ago and checked to see if my ex had a myspace account. I told myself I wouldnt look at it again and I haven't.


I hope I never find anything out about her again (or at least until I am completely free from thinking about her


Cut all ties and move beyond!!!

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When I started NC, I told her that I still wanted to be friends later on, that I was just doing NC to gain more independence. She had been the one initiating contact for the last two weeks prior to me doing NC.


I finally accepted her as a friend on myspace when I started NC cause she had been trying to get me to add her for 2 weeks, and I unblocked her on AIM, though I do not have her SN on my AIM buddy list, so she can still IM me, I just cant see when she is on.


Every now and then I do get the curious and wonder if she is online, but lately I have been getting curious less and less, and this still gives her the ability to contact me if she needs to or if she wants to get back together. In fact, seeing me posting bullitens and seeing my IM name online, but her knowing that I dont want to talk to her right now, probably makes it harder on her than it is on me.

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My ex had a yahoo account and I waited a few days after the breakup before I removed it. The thing about yahoo is once you delete them, you can't add them back without them authorizing you so I knew once I did it, she was gone.


I don't know if she's removed me but I don't care either way. Seeing her name popup during the day was becoming painful so I decided removing her was best.


I would do it again if I had the chance.

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Being on the outside looking in can be really painful. Subjecting yourself to randomly checking in on her is nothing more than premeditating heartache. Delete everything you can, sometimes we could only wish for a "delete" button in our head to help us move on. You can't move forward and gain strength if one eye is in the rearview mirror.



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deffinatley I think this is a good idea to delete them from all messengers you have and more importantly myspace. I drove myself crazy looking at my exs myspace every day after we broke up. It's not healthy and deffinatley dosen't help you move on.

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I think it can be a useful psychological tactic to delete an ex that means you would be less likely to contact them and that would help the healing process.


I agree. I deleted the ex, but never blocked her. At least in this case I wouldn't be the one who attempted/or be tempted to make the first move. After that it would be my decision to respond. In a way it puts the ball into your court.


But for awhile, when it go really bad I blocked and deleted her. Until your ready sometimes thats the best course of action since any contact can be a setback. Even if its just saying hello for 5 minutes.

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I agree. I deleted the ex, but never blocked her. At least in this case I wouldn't be the one who attempted/or be tempted to make the first move. After that it would be my decision to respond. In a way it puts the ball into your court.


before i told my ex I wanted NC I had her blocked on AIM. One day I decided to unblock her, but not add her to my buddylist. Within a minute of unblocking her she IMed me, lol.


A week later I told her not to contact me anymore until I was ready. I haven't blocked her and I know that she hasn't taken me off her buddylist, so hopefully she respects my wishes.

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lol, yeah well my ex never really used msn and the only times she ever went on was to talk to me. Ever since I found about some truths, I blocked her for over a month. I didn't want to chance talking to her. Then as time went on ,I unblocked her and now have her added again to the list. I still make no attempt to talk to her. And in some ways I treat it as a teat of self resolve. Yes my heart skips a beat if she ever popped on...but she hasn't.


Up until 2 weeks ago she never came online. After I made a mistake of calling her when I wasn't ready 3 weeks ago, she has come online at least once a week for 3-5 minutes and then gets off. I told her at the end of my quick conversation that I would call her and she shouldn't. And she hasn't, but I figure she is trying to see if I'll make the move and open up communication. She's respecting my wishes, but also setting up a situation where I could....at least thats what I am hypothesizing, for all I know I am just being an idiot...lol..


Anyways my point is, blindreepr, yeah I think it can also be a test. To see if one can respect the others wishes. Same as its a test for us not to message them as soon as they come online if we wish to. But in the end who really knows what everyone else is thinking....

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I blocked for the first month or so as I was feigning a friendship after I told her I couldnt settle for friendship I deleted her but unblocked her so she would be out of sight but able to see me and respond in kind if she needed me

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When we broke up, I think he deleted me right away, but then added me back, since I got a request about him adding me into his messenger. I deleted him after I talked to him in vain. Then after a few days i added him back (he should have received a request). I blocked him so he could not see me. But I could always see him online, which suggests that he did not delete me.


Then tonight finally i deleted him again. I don't think i will add him back again. It's kind of sad, like feeling that part of my life is forever gone.

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