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what about a good bang?

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ya think a good bang would make us closer or ruin the relationship? there's quite a bit of sexual tension here between the both of us lol. i hear people say that sex ruins things but my cousin seems to have gotten closer. we still don't talk a whole lot right now. i told him how i feel about him n everythin in an email cuz i'm never home ta call or he's not home. that's another thing too, i have 2 jobs, so i hardly see him like twice a week tops. i'm comfortable around him, n i think he's good around me.... we so wanna bang tho! lol



~ lil sista

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I think it does make a relationship better only when the relationship is already really great. If you two aren't doing so well as in hardly talking, seeing each other, etc. I wouldn't reccommend doing it. It made my relationship worse and we rarely spoke to each other or saw each other in the end. The last time I saw him before we broke up was in his bed if ya know what I mean...that's a terrible way to break up I think.

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hard to say...sex might make things better. or worse, it might make you feel uncomfortable with yourself later on. or the same for him. he just might think of you as a FREE piece every time he wants it..see my insight here..Girls sometimes Mistake SEX for love...and guys just the opposite..and opposite attract, well not always, But remember anything you do, might have consequences, or might not..!

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The thing about a "bang"...to a female its sex, its making love, its something to make the relationship better. To MEN, its...well, just a bang!!!


Don't use sex to make the relationship something its not. Yes, it might bring him closer or bring him back for a while...hey, he's a guy. But what isn't there is never going to appear because you had sex with him.

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If you need sex to bring him closer, than something is wrong, if you have sex it should be because you both want it, sex is something that can compliment a good relationship, but if he just sees you as a good time, then by having sex with him will only confirm to him that he was right.


Love is not sex, but it is one of the things those in love do, to share pleasure with each other.

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