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Should I be worried?

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Hi all. I just starting seeing someone new this week. I slept with him the first time we hung out. I can honestly say that it was the best sex I've ever had and I'm pretty sure the same goes for him. He text me the next day saying he had fun, but that he was really sore. Then yesterday I was online and he imed me and asked what I was doing later. I said I might be going out with my friend to a certain bar and he was like "Ok well let me know what you end up doing." Well I went out with my girl but I didn't call him or anything. We showed up at the bar and he was there! I was so shocked. We spent most of the night apart, I was with my friends and he was playing pool with his friends. Around 1am my friend and I decided to leave so I went to tell him bye. He said he would call me when he left the bar and he did. He invited me to his place, however his friends were there spending the night because they were too drunk. I said ok I'll come over for a bit, but then I called him right back and told him I was just going to go home and he said "Ok bye hun." It would be sort of weird with his friends there and I knew I'd be uncomfortable. So I text him today saying "Hi babe, sorry I missed you last night but we should chill again sometime" and I made a smiley face. Do you think this creeped him out? He text back saying "Yea but it's cool, we'll see what's up for tonight." I don't know why but I'm kind of worried that he doesn't like me. Anyone else have any input? It's hard to see if you're on the inside so outside advice is greatly needed.

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You have only known him for a week. Much too soon to tell whether or not this will go anywhere. If you want to be sure he likes you for who you are and wants to continue seeing you for who you are, my advice would be to slow down and not have sex with him again until you are sure that he will stick around because of your great personality and not just for sex.

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I think maybe he's just giving you space, and just being courteous and things....not sure how to put it. Like he doesn't want to get upset b/c you had plans, or he surely wouldn't get upset if you couldn't come spend the night with him, b/c then that would show that all he wanted...was a piece of @@@ . So....if you catch my drift....but I think you really have nothing to worry about. You'll be fine!

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Redirect - I agree with Curnie. Sounds to me like its all so in the beginning stages that he's playing cool, as you are.


I say the signs point to a definite interest for you both. My advice, keep doing what you're doing and see what it develops into, having no specific expectations of course....

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Redirect - I agree with Curnie. Sounds to me like its all so in the beginning stages that he's playing cool, as you are.


I say the signs point to a definite interest for you both. My advice, keep doing what you're doing and see what it develops into, having no specific expectations of course....


Who is this Curnie fellow? *LOL* C u r b i e ....... just giving you a hard time TRS!

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And while you're at it, stop always answering his calls or planning your calls, and be unavailable a lot! In fact don't ever accept a last minute date. That's a booty call. If he likes you, he will want to plan dates with you and take you to nice places. Not just back to his place.

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this is on the road to being just a hook up.

It's hard to start a relationship when you've already had sex and it's on the 'friends with benefits' track.

Take a step back. If you want to date him, only accept dates, no sex and no last minute 1 a.m. hook ups.

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