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I have an ex boyfriend who pretneds to despize me and yet im pretty sure he still likes me.. and i really want a way to make him jealous. i no last year at a school dance i danced with a guy he didnt like right in front of him and that made him mad.. now i need a new way.. im thinking of trying to find a guy and take a ton of pictures with him and everything.. do you girls have any ideas?

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i dont know..it sounds kind of immature. why dont you just leave him alone?

if he does allegedly "like" you, then why do you want to hurt his feelings?

no offense, but dont you have anything better to do than hurt this poor guys feelings? even if he DID do something wrong, you should take the higher road and just leave him alone. remember, what goes around comes around.

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I dont think youre acting immature....jealousy all in all is the works of getting someone closer to you I think..if you want to be with him that is.....naturally though my ex boyfriend gets jealous without me trying to make him...so just go about your life I think and youll be fine, he probably will come to you if you ignore him.

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If you like your ex and want to be with him and he has feelings for you, why don't you get back with him? If you don't have feelings for him, then why the mind games? I guess I just don't get what you are hoping to get out of it? Is it an ego trip? If so, you should just leave him alone.

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I was speaking my aunt about revenge etc... And i asked her what would be a good way to make someone jealous and get revenge.


She look at me and said "revenge makes you very old".


Presumably i think she means wasting your time on someone you 'claim' to have no feelings for is only showing them that you do. Then you will realise your life is passing you by and you are still stuck in rut - angry and bitter. Not pretty!


Move on and forgive him for whatever he has done

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