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is this normal pms behavior

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is it normal for my woman to not want to be around me for a few days when its that time of the month.....its almost like she doesnt wanna talk to me or nothin for a few days....is this somewhat normal?we havent had any arguments and im sure theres not another guy in the picture...

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sounds like she does not feel well at all during those times... can be physical pain like cramps, or hormonal moodiness... lots of women don't feel well around that time of the month... she might really appreciate it if you just ask her about it sometime in a caring way... like asking, are you not feeling well? is there something i can do for you?


don't do it in a judging way tho, like your complaining about it, more like you are wondering why she doesn't want to see you, and hope that she is ok... it is also hard for some women to talk about it because they are shy about their periods, so she may just avoid you because she feels badly and doesn't want to say she feels too badly to do a lot with you during those times...

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I would say that if you havent had any arguments nor do you believe that there is another guy, then yes it is PMS. She may get to the point where she just doesnt want to be around anyone. PMS symptoms can be all over the board for women.


Don't sweat it and when those times come just do your own thing until she comes back

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Have you asked her about it?


I know lots of people who are just very moody when they have PMS.


But that's no excuse for her to just not talk to you for a couple days. I mean, she can't just avoid for for a couple days a month forever.. You need to try to work something out with her.

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I know that I get really tired when it's my time of the month and all I want to do is sleep. And the moodiness and cramping is definitely not pleasant to be around. I agree with the above posters, gently approach her about it and be sure to be caring when you ask.

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I agree that if nothing else seems to be going on that would cause her to feel the way she does, then yes it is probably PMS. If I were you , I would do what you mentioned about making yourself a note of when she had her period so that you could count it up and figure out when the next PMS days are likely to arrive.


I know that during that time some women do not want to be around anybody for long , including their partner. Don't take is personally , it's likely just the hormonal changes going on close to that time of the month.

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she tells me when she is about to start...maybe this is her way of telling me to do my own thing for a few days....we get along great,so maybe she doesnt want to jeapordize that....

That's great that you get along great. But it's normal for couples to have down moments. I don't mean like not talking for days because you are mad at each other. Just to have disagreements, and experience each other at their worst. That's when you really know the other person.


So basically, she can't avoid you during her "moments" forever. I'm not saying that she should spend every minute with you and you should try to provoke her moodiness. Just that you need to risk your relationship when it comes to getting to know each other at their worst. Because you could move in one day or get married, and then see her at her worst and realize that you just can't deal with it.. What then?

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I notice that I get along better with my b/f right after that time of the month until mid month. I hope that makes sense. Basically - when we are not in the mood for anything and we are snappy - its about that time. It's hard to understand, because I don't really see how 'short' I've been until AFTER. For some woman, it can be really bad some months.

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