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Guys Guys Guys I Need Ur Opinions

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The Guy I Have Been Dating For 7 Months (not B/f) Are Not Seeing One Another Nemore...from The Start He Didnt Want A Relationship...so I Kept It Going Knowing That I Wanted One Itwent All The Way Till I Couldnt Do It Anymore Cuz I Fell In Love With Him....i Couldnt Help But To...2 Days Ago I Was Hysterical Crying To Him Telling Him That I Couldnt Do This Anymore And We Will Never Move Fwd But Always Stay In A Stand Still..theres Much More To This Story But Im Just Going To Get To The Point---he Says Im A Beautiful Person Inside And Out And Sucha Sweetheart...mind U I Was Cooking And Trreating Him Just Like A B/rf While He Was Just Having His Cake And Eating It Too....what An Idiot I Am Anyhow....now Im Soooo Heartbroken...do U Think He'll Call Me.? Would U Call A Woman That U Were Dating That Was Just Right But Just Couldnt Be In A Relationship Or Want A Committment....if She Cut It Off And Cried And Said She Fell For You And U Felt Like U Always Did That She Was A Great Girl So And So Forth...would U Call Her/see Her Ever? Would U Be Annoyed If She Kept Calling U Knowing Already That She Is Practically In Love With U And U Dont Want That? Im Sorry If This Sounds Confusing But Im Typing Whats On My Mind Right Now And Really Venting How Im Feeling... I Really Dont Want Him To Get Annoyed If Im Calling Him All The Time Or Asking To C Him After I Ended The Whole Seeing Each Other Thing For I Know If I Didnt Do I I Would Of Def Been The One Hurt And Crying At The End... Thoughts/opinions Please! Thanks Guys!!!

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It's hard to read what you're typing with every word being capitalized.


I think it's a good thing that you ended this situation. You're showing that you value yourself by not setteling for less when you want more.


I don't think you should call him anymore. Begging/asking/crying to him won't change anything. Maybe he'll come to realize what he had but he never will if you're not willing to stick to your guns and walk away.


I know it hurts but you did what is truly best for you.

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yeah i think you are going to have to be much stronger now. Learning to face all that is hurting you now will actually teach you a thing or two about yourself.


You are woth something without this guy in your life. And he will not bring you anything you don't already have by coming back. You have to do the work. Find a palce where you can be ok without a guy. Then think about dating again.


If you continue to call it shows nothing more than low self esteem. Your better than that. Love yourself more than you think you love this guy.

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I realize I'm not a guy but I wanted to add my .02 anyway.


Honey, this is just a very self destructive path you are on. From the very beginning this guy told you he did not want a serious relationship. You did, and you probably hoped that after a bit of time together and after he got to know you, he'd change his mind. You are probably a lovely person, but the bottom line is just what he told you on day 1.... that he just isn't interested in a relationship. After 7 months of this, it's pretty clear that's not going to change.


It's hard not to take it personally, I know I probably would too... but it likely has nothing to do with you, it's just the place that he is in his life right now. He has the right to be selfish and want to be single, and he was honest with you from the get-go about this. Why would you want to invest any more time and emotion in something that's not going anywhere? It's like spending thousands of dollars doing bodywork on a car that won't ever run.


As painful as it is, waiting around and hoping he'll call you isn't helping you in the long run. You are clearly not happy settling for someone who isn't willing to commit to you, and why should you be? You are worthy of being faithful to, and being commited to. And now that he's out of your life, you can give yourself some time to heal, move forward, and meet someone who will be thrilled to give you the commitment you want and deserve.

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It is ashame, and I know it must hurt, but if you were that close and he was so sure he did not want to be committed to you, the best thing for yourself is to end it. You have to think of yourself, and I know you have strong feelings towards this person and it is very painful to think that they do not love you the same, but there isn't anything you can do about it.


Think of what you said, how great you were to him, you cooked for him, took care of him, and what did you get out of it. There are plenty of fish in the sea that would love to meet someone like you and treat you much better, it should be a equal playing field.


Stay strong and good luck!

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