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Ah! I'm flipping out, probably over nothing.

My girlfriend and i have been *trying* sex for a week or so (ive never orgasmed with her, inside or out, but she has once) Tonight we decided to go all out (we were both very tired and very horny). So there we were, we've been messing around for a bit and i decided to put one on (trojan magnum regluar i think) brand new. We're at it for a bit and i accidentally pull out, i push back in and i feel the thing stretch a bit so i pull back a bit, after that point it feels normal again (i should have stopped after i felt it stretch). So she orgasms first, i feel it get *reaaaaaally* tight down there (should have thought *gee well, i wonder why it feels so good?*) and i orgasm shortly thereafter.

I pull out, and theres a gaping hole in the end of the condom. The first time i really really need it to be there, the damn thing breaks.


She's been on the patch for almost exactly 14 days. Every piece of literature i've read says she should be good after 7 days. Her doctor, however, said she should use alternate protection for a month along with the patch.


I'm wondering:

1) Am i going to be a dad?

2) * * *, you can put a PERSON in a latex glove, and this thing breaks when it stretches?

3) Does the patch actually work 7 days onward?

4) Should i still use a condom after a month? I'm trying to balance my feelings on the whole physical barrier/pleasure thing with the decreased risk thing


Needless to say, shes calling the doctors office tomorrow to try to get a morning after prescription, which leads me to ask:

Do you need a prescription for the morning after pill?

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First of all... you don't need to flip out yet... second... morning after pill...


Of course you know that chances are that she will NOT get pregnant, but it is possible. If she's on the patch... that will help, and if she's take a morning after pill that will help even more, and then I don't think you'll have much to worry about at all. Don't freak out yet my friend.

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When was last menstruation?


Go to the website of the patch and read about it. If them say 7 days it should be OK.


2 weeks ago


I'm also wondering, whats the "f-up" room of the patch? I know for a FACT it's not exactly 7 days, but shorter than that. But they can't say for sure that it would be, so they go with a longer period of time just to be safe.

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2 weeks ago


I'm also wondering, whats the "f-up" room of the patch? I know for a FACT it's not exactly 7 days, but shorter than that. But they can't say for sure that it would be, so they go with a longer period of time just to be safe.

Well, she is in her most fertile window.


I have no experience with patches. As long as you used it right, and follow instructions it should be allright.


Do not worry, talk to your doctors and them may prescribe the morning after pill.


Hold her tight and good night

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Do what you can with what you have. Do the morning after pill when you get the chance since you can't be sure that 14 days of the pill is enough. I was once put in a similar situation and it gave me the oportuity to learn about myself.


...Since you're still in this doubting business... ask yourself what you can learn from this situation. Clearly it was stressfull because it brought up some very life changing prospects. But, what does this tell you about yourself and your partner. Do you love her? Does it matter? Would you be a good father // Husband? What exactly is that?


What exactly are do you want from this person, since it obviously isn't a baby...? Is it something about her not being the right person for you that made you panic or is it the idea of raising a baby?


Anyway, my advice is that this situation is a good oportuity to get some things clear with yourself. Your post indicates that you are heavily involved with your partner. Despite what you may think... your dilema is just as much about this person as it is about yourself. I am sure you are smart enough to avoid unwanted pregnancy, so make sure you take advantage of the situation and learn some things along the way

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IC, call her doctor anyway: the answering machine should have a number on it for the doctor on weekend call. Otherwise, look ik up on the internet, google "doctor weekend *name of your hometown*". The morning after pill works up to 72 hours after you have sex, but the sooner you take it the better. If she takes it you can both stop panicking, but if all the literature on the patch says she's protected after seven days, I don't think you have anything to worry about in the first place. Deep breath! You'll be fine!


Invicta, I don't think Inane needs to start doubting his relationship because of this. I love my partner very much, I want to be with him forever, and we definitely would love to have children in a few years time. However, if I were to get pregnant now, i would panic and so would he: we're not in the place we want be financially to raise children as we want to give them the very best we can in terms of education etc., we want to be more mature and our relationship to be even deeper before we bring in another person and have to do a good job raising them, we both still want to get additional degrees, we want to see far more of the world etc. etc. A baby would of course be loved and welcomed into this world, but initially we would panic for sure as it would mess up everything we have planned. I think everyone would with a (possible) unplanned pregnancy, no matter how great their relationship.

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Hey there,


I am on the Ortho Evra Patch and I have been using it for about 2 years. As far as I know, once a person starts using the patch, the person should be good after a few days of putting it on. After a week, pretty good. She has been on it for 2 weeks, there is a very slim chance that she is pregnant. Actually, the patch has very high dose of estrogen. One of the highest in all birth control so it is pretty potent.


If your girlfriend uses the patch according to the instructions, she should be okay. There is always a chance for pregnancy however. But the patch is like 99% effective if taken properly.


I believe you do not need a perscription for a morning after pill. But I never used it or had to try to use it so I am not sure. Perhaps look in the yellow pages in the phone book and find a clinic such as Planned Parenthood or the like and take it from there.


I wish you all the luck and let us know what happens.

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Ok, it's all handled. The weekend doctor gave her a prescription and she already picked it up and took it.


I'm not doubting my relationship with her, i love her very much, and we both decided if she ends up getting pregnant somehow (patch should take care of that, but even if) we wont feel bad about it as we took neccesary precautions, and random chance accounts for mistakes sometimes. She and I want kids (not like we're married, or even thinking about that, but she wants a kid some day and so do i). It's not that i think maybe shes not the right person, or i'm scared of raising a child, it's just the INCREDIBLE inconvienience that'd be do me right now.


For the next 2 weeks we'll be using condoms and the patch, after that it'll be just the patch.


I thought you were serious ironlion, i was going to correct you but i thought you'd be mad

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My girlfriend now is on the Ortha Evra Patch and it seems to be a good bit more protective than say the pill. My old girlfriend was on the pill and once in a while she'd be late. We never used condoms. With my girlfriend now, we don't use condoms, and she's on the patch and I've never heard anything about late anything.


On the other end of things. Perhaps try using a different condom. Something ultra thin.. Most major brands make some Ultra Thin(Sensitive) condom. I know you'll lose your bragging rights to a "magnum", but perhaps the reason your condoms stretched like that was, because it didn't properly fit. Too much rubber, moving like that, and wadding up leads to severe streching and lack of feeling. Hence your, not able to orgasm.


Try a new condom and check back in on that. I'm willing to be the better fit, and thinner material will give better feeling.

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I'd love to switch to a different kind but the regular sized ultra thin ones break almost immediately (even just trying them on) they stretch /waaaaay/ too much and the regular sized regular ones physically wont fit unless i stretch it out with both hands, and even then it cuts the blood off completely (i turn purple, all over)

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Well, I don't know what your doing with your condoms, but it doesn't sound like your doing something right. I can use a magnum, and I can also use an ultra thin condom, and I've never had a single condom break.


You want a condom to stretch and to form fit to a large degree. Your breakage might be due to too much slack.



Your lack of sensation is the condom slipping off you, staying in place somewhat in her and you merely thrusting into her with this condom staying somewhat stationary. Hence the breakage, and hence the lack of sensation.

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... You want a condom to stretch and to form fit to a large degree. Your breakage might be due to too much slack.


Your lack of sensation is the condom slipping off you, staying in place somewhat in her and you merely thrusting into her with this condom staying somewhat stationary. Hence the breakage, and hence the lack of sensation.

I concur, also never had a condom break in 22 years except from her teeth and them always felt tight.


Ever tried to inflate one to soccer ball volume? Condoms are strong.

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I once filled an ultra thin condom with a TON of water.. I'm telling you I had this condom close to 13-14 inchs long, and probably a good 9 or so inches wide. There had to be close to 3 gallons of water in it.


Condoms are relatively sturdy... I'd suggest you get them out of your glove box, out of your back pocket, and in some drawers in the cool shade.


And get over your security blanket, and get some rubbers that fit.

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I once filled an ultra thin condom with a TON of water.. I'm telling you I had this condom close to 13-14 inchs long, and probably a good 9 or so inches wide. There had to be close to 3 gallons of water in it.


Condoms are relatively sturdy... I'd suggest you get them out of your glove box, out of your back pocket, and in some drawers in the cool shade.


And get over your security blanket, and get some rubbers that fit.


When I had sex ed last year, they said that the last place you should keep condoms is in your back pocket because sitting on them all the time could making them break somehow. The glove box isn't a good place either if it's summer because of the heat inside of the car.

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Exactly. Thats why I said, keep them inside, at room temperature..


Oddly enough, heat is the worse culprit as is, premature friction before you use it.


I used to have an old friend who kept them in his fridge.. Yeah, it was strange to hear him up in the middle of the night getting a drink of water and a rubber, and then hear the door close.

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I dont think i'm getting this accross:


Regular condoms DO NOT FIT! I'm not wearing magnums because it makes me feel better, i'm wearing them because regular ones are PHYSICALLY PAINFUL. Take a zip tie, put it around the base of your penis, and pull it as tight as you can. After that, use a pair of pliers to tighten it a few clicks. That is, quite honestly, how tight it is. As far as length goes, it only goes down about 3/4 of the way down, i'm pretty sure they're not supposed to do that. As far as sensation goes, if i'm attempting to use a regular one theres 2 things i can feel down there. Heat, and tugging sensations. That is to say when we're having sex with the ones i had, i could feel that she was slightly warmer, and something was pulling/pushing on me nothing more.


Regular ones too small around and too short, that is, if i can even get a one on. It wont simply roll down, it's stretched around too tight to be able to unroll, i have to stretch it open, put it over myself then unroll with 2 hands. I'm using them correctly, they're stored under my bed and under my girlfriends bed, no sun, no heat.


I dont know why it broke, it just did. If it helps anyone, it was a bit dry, not overly so, just a little. It split up the side, towards the top.


I'm sorry but i felt i had to explain that.


Anyway. What's the failure rate of the patch? I'm just wondering because i'm thinking if it's 99 percent we'll have a pregnancy if we have sex 100 times if that figure is right. Or is it just a corporate way of avoiding lawsuits instead of if they just said 100% effective if used perfectly?

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99% is just a ratio.


Your not going to have sex 100 times, and one time she'll get pregnant.


The patch is pretty good as far as reliable. I've never doubted it, then again, I don't really have much regard for pregnancy.


I've become somewhat numb to sexual health. The past two girlfriends I've had, I think between both of them, in the span of 3.5 years, I've used maybe... 3-4 with each? On a rarity with my ex I'd use a condom if she forgot her pill, or if we engaged in anal.


When I casually dated. I used condoms always.


When I got into another relationship, I've used 1. I don't even use them for anal. I've never pulled out of any girl, and always orgasm in them.


I'm beginning to think I'm infertile.


Anyways.. Back to the subject.. The Patch is good, however, it's a rather strong dose of hormones.


Allese is a pill and it's very effective, and it's the lowest(or one of them) dose estrogen pill out. My ex took it, and we never have much of a scare if she remembered to take it at the same time everday.


The patch, it's nice, I just manage to rip the darn thing off my girlfriend when we have sex, since it's on her hip/butt.... But it's effective.

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