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He has a small penis, and I feel like a jerk.

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i went to the doctor and he agrees i am way too small for my age and something is really wrong .. he is running some blood tests and took a urine sample and is going to check my hormone levels


it's possible during puberty i didnt produce enough testosterone to fully grow my penis so if we hurry up and its not too late he could have me take some hormone growth stuff and with luck maybe i can still grow it a little bigger


How has it worked out for you?



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well I understand your concern. I am in a way turned off when I touch a guy and there is nothing there. I cant help it but my reaction is OHHH MAN THIS SUCKSS !!! I had sex with one guy that had small penis, I would get pissed off after sex cause I never felt like I was done properly. It sucks I don't know what to say but u will probably loose interest fast. Who says size doesnt matter is lying because I feel alot with normal 6 inch and with 4 inch I dont feel much! ANd if it's skinny too.... RUN GIRL RUN !!!

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well I understand your concern. I am in a way turned off when I touch a guy and there is nothing there. I cant help it but my reaction is OHHH MAN THIS SUCKSS !!! I had sex with one guy that had small penis, I would get pissed off after sex cause I never felt like I was done properly. It sucks I don't know what to say but u will probably loose interest fast. Who says size doesnt matter is lying because I feel alot with normal 6 inch and with 4 inch I dont feel much! ANd if it's skinny too.... RUN GIRL RUN !!!


hahah freaking hell, didn't you consider that men with four inch * * * *s might read that? well cheers and have a nice day -) i admire you honesty, like i haven't heard it enough. I was right to give up on relationships -)


RUN GIRL RUN - give me the big * * * *. I dated too many of these women. They loved the cruelty and loved to ridicule and humilate -) they really enjoyed pushing the knife and giving it a good twist eheh.


God, no humility didn't you read the post above you? because of women like you - kzkz goes for surgery as he felt depressed, lonely and had low self esteem. Freaking hell, some ppl... maybe they just don't think. But for me, it runs deeper than that -) sick......

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I find it VERY pathetic when people base their life or their attitude off the size of their wanger.


I agree. The only thing worse is when someone bases their sex life and attitude on the size of someone else's wanger. They're so hung up on size that it is their inability to see past it that ruins their sex life, not the actual small {Mod Edit}. Other people have partners with very small {Mod Edit} and love it, or at the very least aren't bothered by it. Why is it such a burning issue that it prompts people to post messages asking for advice on the net?


If someone can't help being a closet size queen, they should keep it to themselves. If they let their partner become aware of it, it's insensitive and disrespectful. Their partner is better off without them. Not the other way around.

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RUN GIRL RUN - give me the big {Mod Edit}. I dated too many of these women. They loved the cruelty and loved to ridicule and humilate -) they really enjoyed pushing the knife and giving it a good twist eheh.


Never forget that the old adage is true that "small things amuse small minds."

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There are other ways to overcome a small penis and still be fulfilled. If you REALLY like him you can get creative.


I won't lie tho, my husband is far more endowed than my ex was and i realize size CAN matter. But it doesnt to every woman. Some women have a lower libido and don't care, others like oral better so it works out. I don't like oral on me so for me, size matters.

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I find it VERY pathetic when people base their life or their attitude off the size of their wanger.


What planet are you from? This girl is concerned about sexual compatibility. if MORE people took sexual compatibility seriously, there would be far fewer need for sites like this and fewer affairs. Sexual frustration can be the root cause of many affairs.


I applaud her honesty. And who on earth said she bases her LIFE on this? Sometimes a question is only a question. Good grief!

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I agree. The only thing worse is when someone bases their sex life and attitude on the size of someone else's wanger. They're so hung up on size that it is their inability to see past it that ruins their sex life, not the actual small * * * *. Other people have partners with very small * * * *s and love it, or at the very least aren't bothered by it. Why is it such a burning issue that it prompts people to post messages asking for advice on the net?


If someone can't help being a closet size queen, they should keep it to themselves. If they let their partner become aware of it, it's insensitive and disrespectful. Their partner is better off without them. Not the other way around.



You are correct. Some love it and some don't. Apparently this girl DOES think it might be a problem and is seeking advice. It is NOT disrespectful to have certain tastes. Sorry to the smaller endowed guys who get upset, but how many women do you think have felt the brunt of knowing many men love large breasts and they were born in to an A cup? If this guys penis is truly the size of a woman's pinky, then yeah, I can understand her concern. I am sure it is a huge concern for him too but it is just like anything else in life, sometimes we are born with a physical trait we hate and the goal is to find a partner who loves it anyway. What about all the men who REFUSE to date an overweight woman? That is FAR more common than this issue. Yet they do it all the time and don't even get much flack for it...heck their friends usually agree and pat them on the back. But hey, it is THEIR right to have a body type preference. No one should be forced to date someone with a physical characteristic that is just a huge turn off. I don't think it makes a person shallow per se, because physical attraction is usually the first thing that draws two people together. Anyone who denies that might not be very truthful with themselves.


If a man truly loves big breasts, he may feel less than happy with a woman with very tiny ones. Same for women and penis size.


The good news for us all is, there are many different preferences. Some men like small breasts, some women don't mind a small penis. But no one should EVER be judged for honesty.

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Seriously, why do people still care about this? I almost had a stroke when I saw that this thread was back. This thread is nearly a year old!!


Look, I'm not going to bother apologizing for my position. Had we ever had sex, I honestly don't even think I would have been able to tell whether or not he was inside of me. THAT IS A PROBLEM.




I disagree, Carl. Absolutely no offense meant to kzkz, but if women can make him so insecure that he'd want to try that surgery, that's a bit scary in and of itself.. I mean, that's basically taking your own self esteem and handing it over to someone else. No one should ever be able to have that kind of power over you, and if you're doing something that drastic to please someone, chances are that there is more of an issue with you than the person you are trying to please.


End of rant.

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It is NOT disrespectful to have certain tastes.


I never said a persons tastes and preferences were disrespectful. If a person loves big breasts or big penises, it is just their sexual preference. While that in itself isn't disrespectful (merely shallow), it is disrespectful to treat someone badly because of it. For instance, suggesting a woman has a breast enlargement because she isn't presently exciting enough or rejecting a man sexually because it's felt his equipment isn't a certain size.


What about all the men who REFUSE to date an overweight woman? That is FAR more common than this issue. Yet they do it all the time and don't even get much flack for it...heck their friends usually agree and pat them on the back.


Not a good example. Simply because they haven't dated her to start with.

But if they have dated her and gotten her hopes up only to reject her later, it would then be similar. But simply not wanting to date someone to start with is not the same at all. People generally don't date people that turn them off. They don't get them into bed then hurt them by saying "sorry, I can't see you anymore because you're too fat for my liking."

Even saying "I prefer someone more slim" is just as bad. It's an issue where there is simply no good way of discussing it without hurting feelings. Since she is contemplating doing the same thing (over the issue of penis size), she should break up with him for other reasons. But she shouldn't reveal the real reason because that would be hurtful and disrespectful.

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It is VERY similar. The only difference is, women don't ask a guy to pull down his pants to see what the rest of the bod looks like. Women's breasts and weight are very obvious from the moment you first see them. But PRINCIPAL here, however, is the same.

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Bionic -


Again, this happened nearly a year ago. It is currently a nonissue. And of course, I would never ever say to someone, "Sorry, your wanker is too small, have a nice life." My tact or lack of it was never the issue. I have earlier indicated that of course, I would break it off with him in the nicest way possible.


And I do agree with you Jaded.. You can generally get an idea of a woman's "assets" just by looking at her, whereas it's a bit harder with men, unless you're only looking at their weight..

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Bionic -


Again, this happened nearly a year ago. It is currently a nonissue. And of course, I would never ever say to someone, "Sorry, your wanker is too small, have a nice life." That was never the issue. I have earlier indicated that of course, I would break it off with him in the nicest way possible.


I did not even realize this was an old thread.


To n83, you surely don't need to apologize for your feelings.....men don't go thru being judged for things like this anywhere near as much as women do. This is just life. We all have certain things we go for, some are just not honest enough to admit it. I am far from shallow but this particular body trait would have worried me too.

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Yeah.. It's old


Actually, a really random thing happened..


The guy that inspired this thread lives very far away from me.. and we had generally stopped talking, not because I broke it off with him, but because we had a falling out and he decided it was best not to continue contact with me. But he randomly messaged me this morning. I hadn't spoken to him since around the time this thread was posted.



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Yeah.. It's old


Actually, a really random thing happened..


The guy that inspired this thread lives very far away from me.. and we had generally stopped talking, not because I broke it off with him, but because we had a falling out and he decided it was best not to continue contact with me. But he randomly messaged me this morning. I hadn't spoken to him since around the time this thread was posted.




That is a bizarre coincendence! LOL

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That is a bizarre coincendence! LOL


Yes, either that or he saw this thread!


Good thread!


I think another part of being with a man who is too small down there has to do with womens egos.....Lets face it, no woman wants to be thought of as being large floppy and loose...and well, if you did end up with a guy that was really really small, a part of the womanly pride is affected...


"what if we have sex and it keeps falling out..? I dont want him to think I am a cavernous cave, for cripes sake...how do I let him know that its him and not me....." and etc....


Its an emotional thing...for both concerned...why skirt around the issue? Size matters somewhat if you want your partner to please you and you in turn what to please them. No sense getting involved when it just wont turn out that way.


Theres only so long a woman can go on being stimulated orally or with fingers. At some point she is gonna want to feel that connection.

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I don't have a problem with women having a preference.


Its just annoys when women try to compare to the pressure they are under inrelation to their breats size, weight when there is no real comparison. As the penis has a functionality directly related to sexual pleasure - not just mere appearances. I have many imperfections like women, yet nothing can compare to the insecurity of having an abnormally small * * * *. Btw n83, nice to see you -) but kzkz went for surgery not because he's weak, pitiful etc and needed to work on this own self - but if he's experienced women like urselfs, where they could'nt feel anything and thereforeeee he got rejected.. won't he feel inadequate, useless and not fully human, i know i did. Plus it takes away alot of pleasure, fun, confidence and i even found it hard to find sex enjoyable, it was more an embrassment towards then end. You get confidence, esteem from the environment, not from within. You miss out on relationships, sex and almost everything.. hey hey it was my decision.


Nothing worse than finding out that the girl you really like and u can't satisfy her like other men, purely down to genetics. It puts alot of self doubt in ur mind, why stay with me, when she could get a normal size one etc plus you know in ur heart, that sex is on of the prime motivations for a relationship..so ur up * * * * creek ahhah. I'm a prime example of how it can effect ur esteem and confidence.. i gave up on relationships around seven yrs ago -)


I mean breast size - i saw a survery 52% preferred larger and 48%smaller. I'll admit that women's weight is important as probably 98% of men prefer a smaller women. You tell me, how many women prefer a 4.5" over a 6" plus one? i never found one girl and i dated quite a few in my younger yrs. Plus if a guy prefers teh opposite chest size to his gf, its easy to overcome it - it doesn't really effect the sex life or relationship at all - never did for me. Yet if a girl can't feel anything during sex.. then jeeezz how can u compare? it causes loads of tensions and usually it ends in being dumped. A girl is obviously more likely to stay with a man who can satisfy her sexually.. that's what many girls are only after and myself at times -)


I think some of u ladies are way off the mark.

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well I understand your concern. I am in a way turned off when I touch a guy and there is nothing there. I cant help it but my reaction is OHHH MAN THIS SUCKSS !!! I had sex with one guy that had small penis, I would get pissed off after sex cause I never felt like I was done properly. It sucks I don't know what to say but u will probably loose interest fast. Who says size doesnt matter is lying because I feel alot with normal 6 inch and with 4 inch I dont feel much! ANd if it's skinny too.... RUN GIRL RUN !!!


I met many self centered women llike this in my time, they were a nightmare and seriously high maintenance. Me, me, me and didn't give a crap about my feelings. I'll admit that this type of cruel attitude used to bug me ahah RUN GIRL RUN like your some freak show. Still - does a bit now. I c it as an indirect insult. Like if your overweight and some guy next to u says.. omg fat women are so laughable and ugly etc


I had some amazing comments off women like this, really nasty i.e "god, i can't feel anything" "wow, that is the smallest i've ever seen" quite funny in hindsight. You might say, that i shouldn't have gone for one night stands and wasted their time.. thats the exact point. A big willy and ur totally free and no women will reject u down to size.. unless ur seriously large(no guy would complain about that.. just goto link removed and listen to them braggin, some even buzz out of hurting women.the ultimate ego and power boast for them.. pretty sick though). It must be good for the male ego being large, for ur esteem and confidence and later arrogance - i aint talking so large u hurt women btw -). I find alot of my hung friends are very arrogant.. which is good in a way..well more large big egos, due to all the loving, positive reinforcements from environment size, size, size.


What did i read one guy say.. on link removed who was around 11inches.. "i love hitting their cervix really hard with the first few thrusts. I've had many women tell me to stop during sex and i love it. It must be the biggest ego boast for any man" That tells u alot -) aah through my resentment of women like brenda who tried to make my life hell - i hope she bumps into this guy aahh RUN GIRL RUN lol. Nah, i'm totally joking - i hope she doesn't.. i ain't taht bitter and twisted.

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