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that I don't think of him, that something reminds me of him, that some things remind me of what we shared.


I hate it.

I want change to come so quickly and maybe I'm expecting it to arrive now. I don't want to catch myself thinking of the good (and bad) times. 22 NC days in and I'm ready to move on...my hearts says move but I catch myself finding associations with him.


I wish I could live life before I met him instead of living life with reminders.

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You need time, time is really the only thing that heals our emotional wounds...


My advice is to slow down and listen to what your heart is saying. It isn't ready to go out and find someone else yet.


Believe it or not but soon you will look back and your memories of him will be so vivid you will be wondering why you ever felt this way now.


Slow down and take it one step and a time.



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I hear ya nvee. I'm struggling with the same issue. Today has been exceptionally hard for me.


I usually don't let things get to me like this. I'm sure I can make it through the day, I'll worry about tomorrow... tomorrow.

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Wow, there IS definitely something about today. Its super hard for me too and I haven't thought about my guy for like a week because I've been happy in general. Ugh. Just hang in there you guys.


It will get better...it always does.



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any time now....


pushing something that isn't coming soon enough. I want to get out of this funk...I've been keeping up on my NC and getting back to strenghtening my talents and hobbies, even taking vacations and delving into some retail therapy...


ugh. I hate this funk

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I wish there was some magic thing to do, as well. I cannot stop thinking about her, all the time now.


I see something nice or funny and I want to share it with her, but I can't. She left me a message on July 3rd, to wish me a Happy 4th and closed with "I love you". She then called me on the 4th, to talk to me. Since then, nothing.


I know how you feel.


I have been in 3 different places and have had strange coincidences, which made me think of her. All of which, are strange things to be happening now. Maybe it is my mind playing tricks on me.


I love her so much and should have told her every chance I got!


Hang in there!

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Try having on and off NC for close to a year now.


Only 11 months, to the date, you see her under some of the weirdest circumstances.. Only this time, she's single, and makes it apparent she's sorry for the past, and thinks of you often, and that it makes her compare everything in her life to you...



I got the biggest lift from it. But it's been 1-2 days really since I've last talked/seen her, and I've found myself thinking of her fondly today..


1 year.... and I still think of her so fondly.


It takes time people. Stay strong.

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were you really keeping in touch with her even when she was seeing someone else?? That would've given me even more reason to enforce NC on myself. I wouldn't be able to handle hearing all of that...it would hurt too much.

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I wouldn't call it, keeping in touch.


2 Months of NC. The she called me to come over to talk. We had sex, and then went to dinner.


A few times we had some phone conversations and e-mails.


Then more NC.


Christmas Time. She breaks down.. misses me. We meet up more often and often, and talk of maybe working something. We have sex many times. Lots of hanging out. Good times.


Then it stalls and nothing again.


And I've had random contact from her until this past month when she's been wanting to meet for dinner/movie/lunch/coffee/ect.

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I wouldn't call it, keeping in touch.


2 Months of NC. The she called me to come over to talk. We had sex, and then went to dinner.


A few times we had some phone conversations and e-mails.


Then more NC.


Christmas Time. She breaks down.. misses me. We meet up more often and often, and talk of maybe working something. We have sex many times. Lots of hanging out. Good times.


Then it stalls and nothing again.


And I've had random contact from her until this past month when she's been wanting to meet for dinner/movie/lunch/coffee/ect.


What do you truly want out of all that?

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I wanted to get somewhere.


But like mentioned before. You get a little, and a little more, and then nothing. It just stopped dead cold.


I think each time it was just comfort, thats all I was getting.


The end result? We're in the midsts of attempting to talk about things. Perhaps to rekindle something. Perhaps to really zip the body bag on this relationship and any friendship.


Who knows. I'm willing to work, but I'm not willing to do it all.

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Mind you, all that was over a course of close to a year.


So I had plenty of months of NC, in which I didn't think of her much at all, and didn't have anything.. She would call or text from time to time. Or AIM me. I'd ignore most.

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