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Ain't over till the fat lasy sings!!!! :)

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I don't write about my OWN situation much on the boards..but I would like to share some recent events that has taken place.


Without getting into TOO much detail.....the person that initially brought me

to these boards..for I don't know, advice, knowledge or whatever seems to be coming around.


Our situation is a bit unusual because we were never "together". Basically things never quite got off the ground..lol. Anyway....after a pretty ugly ending last year...I went through a lot of ups and downs. Asking various people for their advice and pretty , much doing NC. I won't lie..I slipped, MANY times...but I finally was able to stick to it for a couple months. I think THAT was the turning point. I then resumed LC..but my approach this time, was to not CARE if he replied. Part of me wanted him to know I was OK..and another part of me simply found comfort in keeping in touch with him...because I KNEW he was not over what happened before...and I knew he was at least reading my emails.


So..today...I emailed him wishing him a Happy 4th...etc.. and I causally sent him a couple of recent pics, to which he replied..because my hair is SO dramatically different, and he liked it. Anyway...that email turned into more than a dozen back and forth. Remember: This is a guy who would even blocked my email last year (with good reason..I got ugly) LOL....So..anyway..we actually FLIRTED with each other for the first time

in a LONG time. He finally asked me to call him..and I did. We talked for about a half hour..and he then asked me to call him again when he gets back in town .


My head is spinning....but truthfully I am really glad we talked.

No I am not expecting anything..but I am happy he at least explained himself to me. It was quite nice.


So at the very least..we WILL be friends..and truthfully i am happy with that.

If I had stuck to strict NC and waited for HIM..we would have never browken that barrier..which is SO important if you are to EVER move forward.


Anyway..i just wanted to share the news

Don't give up.....it ain't over till the fat lady sings!!!

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Well I hope for the best in your situation. Your posting in the "GBT" boards so I'm hoping for you he sees the wonderful person in you and decides to make something of it.

But also remember he could just be having a off day, lets hope he starts the ball rolling into something more.


and what did you mean by "you got ugly?"

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I love stories like this.


I hate it when people suggest that because someone broke up. there must have been something so wrong that the relationship could never work.


Oh, and I hate it when people say, "You can't be friends. It never works."


I spent the day with MY ex yesterday. Then she went back home. Today I felt great. There's no promise of ANYTHING. But we had a day that was as good as any of our best days.


So, Band Rat, thank you.



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Thats great news rat, i've been where you are before and I was giddy and so happy. The key is to not expect anything or to expect the worse, that way if something goes wrong its not that bad, but if something goes right it makes it really great. Just take it slow and see what happens, but its great your in contact and yes I agree with you if you waited for him nothing would have ever hapened, its good that you took inititiative.

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Thanks everyone for all your replies. I'm still elated today. I never knew how strong my feelings were until now. I'm grinning from ear to ear. I am so happy

he finally opened up...and I mean he REALLY opened up. Without provocation. I just kept things REALLY light, and flirty. When I called him he admitted to haVing an UNdeniable attraction to me...but he doesn't know if he can trust me because of whats happened in the past. I listened intently to what he said....but I basically agreed that he was right...and I apologized sincerely for what happened. I didn't try to change his mind about me..I just enjoyed our conversation, and I think he did too.


Now, I CERTAINLY don't know whats going to happen from here. I am by NO means an expert, and will not preach NC..because as I said, I DIDN'T do strict NC...what I DID do was lower my expectations, didn't talk about the past (HE did)...and I didn't pressure ANYTHING. I truly believe the dumper is the one who needs to lead with reconciliations or ANY type of relationship talk because otherwise they are going to think you can't relax and "let it go".

Pressure is not attractive.


I still have a LOT to learn....and if things progress I will certainly keep you all posted and help on the the boards as much as I possibly can.

But for now...I'm living in the MOMENT....which is the best advice I can give.

Thanks for all your support I appreciate it!!!!

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