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Here is my story


I talked to my ex best friend and she told me she was really into the new guy she was dating. This scared me for good reasons. I didn't want her jumping into a new relationship so quickly replacing me. She has the tendency to do things like this. Then I found out he took my spot in our last co-ed softball game that my cousins played on. I got a friend who is really good at talking to people about relationships to talk to her. I then proceeded to talk to her. She told me the stuff I knew and how she needed time and she wanted me not waiting for her. She still cares for me but doesn't know if she loves me anymore. She obviously wanted to stay friends. This will be my second day of realization that we are not getting back together any time soon. The checking of email and phone calls by me have stopped. Will this just be a phase? I really see myself moving on and being confident. She told me 6-12 months, but I am obviously not going to listen to that as no one knows when and if they are ready to come back. I am no longer going to worry about what she is doing. I told her I want to stay friends, but I don't think I am going to be true friends. Just the one that will say hello if she calls and hi if I see her. More or less LC. I don't think I need NC for myself to move on. If this is just a phase then NC might have to be implemented. Never sent the letter. I see her coming back in due time, but will I want her back? Only time will tell I think. I really see myself moving on. I am going to stay away from the co-ed softball team for a few weeks and then maybe give it another try. It was really fun and she doesn't need to be the reason I quit.

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Hi, I don't think your ex g/f knows what she wants. I really would just stay away from her as much as possible. I know thats hard with the softball team, but every time you see her will keep the flame alive. You have to be selfish. This is your time - not hers. NC is really for you and you alone. Not for you to win her back or miss you. You do sound very strong. I would also get myself out there dating again - if possible - just have some fun! After all you deserve it!

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Her being the needy type doesn't change this? It seems with every situation its try not to see her. Shouldn't each situation be different? I will see her at the mens games sometimes because of her brothers on the team. I kind of see her trying to be friends to get back the love for me. Thank you guys for replying. It really does help.

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