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Would you date a model?

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Hello guys, Went to a fashion show and met a model we danced and he asked me for my number then he texted me on the same night. We started talking on MSN once. I thought i'd say hi today and i haven't had a response. Things seem to go down hill very quickly. What would you do? Would you bother or forget about him?



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Down hill very "quickly" in a single day ?

What are your expectations with that guy ?

You seem to be interested to feel that one day is long.

You should bother but...

You're right to think that he could have answered you. We don't know what are his intentions but one thing that's sure is that it is he who asked you for a way to contact you.


So, to summarize, don't bother until you get some news from that guy.

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I agree with BYOB.


I don't know if I would date a model. I know I wouldn't date brad pitt or orlando bloom, because as gorgeous as they are, I couldn't handle other women throwing themselves at them all day. It would drive me insane.


If he's a good guy, sure, just see what happens. but don't worry too much about it until you've been dating for a while and you know what he is like.


good luck

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First of all, personally I would probably not date a guy that was a model just for the fact that they are quite busy, and probably meet tons of women that they get phone numbers from.


I think it would be hard to get involved with him.


If I were you I wouldn't think another thing about him. If he contacts you back to chat, then so be it. I would not sit around dwelling upon it at all.

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I probably wouldn't date a model, but I wouldn't mind being friends with one. The idea of dealing with the dramatic stigma that comes along with being in a relationship with someone who gets hit on a lot and whose carrer is justified by their looks just doesn't appeal to me. And if all she did was model, then that would be a turn off, too. That would lead to the question, "So... what else do you do?" Life first, passion second.

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We had a good chat over MSN and the last thing he said was he will call me when his around my area. He doesn't live near me. A bit rude to ignore me though why bother asking for my number? He sounds like a nice guy! oh i don't know!!!

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Must be one of those one of things. I'm going to take it to heart because his always surrounded by pretty girls. Might aswell forget about him. At these i got hold of a model hey!!

Congratulations skyblue, your connectivity has improved!


About models, act*s, been with some out of work 2nd and 3rd tier TV actresses. It's kind of a trophy experience, but never found much connection and the sex was usually below average as them had rather low self esteem.


Anyway, connect, make friends and gain experience.


Be confident and _patient_, your prince will come! Please keep up the good work.

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