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don't get whats going on?

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I posted a few times about my wife saying she needed space, then i find out one day after seperating she moves in with a guy 20 years older then her. Now here is the thing everytime she talks to she is always angry and mad. I asked her why are you being like this to me and she said its the only way to get you out of hear and points to her head. Does she still have feels for me then, is she feeling guilty so she is always being mad at me for reason? Any advice on what to do?

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No, it does not mean she still has feelings for you. What she is doing is justifying her behaviors in her own mind by painting you as an evil guy. Then she can feel a lot less guilty about dumping you the way she did.


My advice is for you to quit talking to her. She's with somebody else now and you deserve better treatment. File for divorce and that will let her know you are moving on with your life.

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I think Avman is correct. I really do. She will continue to express anger to you no matter what. Someday after you maintain your distance, you might want to send her a letter for closure... not yours. But hers. She really needs to reflect on this bad decision because she's at risk of doing it again unless she knows all the factors at play. You could write her a note and not send it for a year. But once you write it, be done with it. Pain isn't experienced until a person is ready for it and she is in denial. She won't feel a thing. Be done with her, but a note might really help her in the long run, as long as you don't hold ANY HOPES for getting her back.

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If there is the potential of a divorce action I would not create a letter like that. You don't want that anywhere that a judge might see it and be able to draw any conclusions about things. Lawyers have a wonderful way of spinning pretty much anything to their own advantage.


Stuff like that has a nasty habit of surfacing at the worst possible moment.

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