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Have I been ditched on the last minute?

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so he was the shy guy? Maybe he chickened out or something, don't get discouraged.. I don't mean that you should have any hopes about him, but don't get discouraged because you were ditched on the last minute.


I don't buy shy. what he did was RUDE!

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Even if a shy guy had an opportunity to go out with me, he would take it. It saves him creating another one right?


I dont think he is shy. I agree with annie, I think he is just rude.


He messaged me again today!!

He said

"Hi Mz X, Long time no talk, how are you? I hope im not interrupting anything, I just messaged to say hi."


I didnt reply to him. Why would he keep messaging me? My dad said he might be playing with my mind something, I dont know.

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Well... I personally think it is rude that you aren't responding to him..... He is making an effort to reach out to you and maybe he made a "mistake" before, but, regardless of ONE mistake, I think that it is rude to ignore him. Coming from the "guy" side of things, I would be very annoyed if I was him. I would hope for at least some kind of response even to know that I am just waisting my time but, at least that your getting the message....

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Well... I personally think it is rude that you aren't responding to him..... He is making an effort to reach out to you and maybe he made a "mistake" before, but, regardless of ONE mistake, I think that it is rude to ignore him. Coming from the "guy" side of things, I would be very annoyed if I was him. I would hope for at least some kind of response even to know that I am just waisting my time but, at least that your getting the message....


ok lansing, but from the guy point of view.... if you REALLY liked a girl, would you just ditch out on a date with her? what if you were called into work. You'd AT LEAST take 2 minutes to call her and say, "I'm sorry, I got called into work, can we meet next week?"


Right? under what circumstances would you not call? maybe if you weren't all that into her?

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LiFeLeSs_GaZe[X]']Even if a shy guy had an opportunity to go out with me, he would take it. It saves him creating another one right?


I dont think he is shy. I agree with annie, I think he is just rude.


He messaged me again today!!

He said

"Hi Mz X, Long time no talk, how are you? I hope im not interrupting anything, I just messaged to say hi."


I didnt reply to him. Why would he keep messaging me? My dad said he might be playing with my mind something, I dont know.


His message doesn't sound like he is a player. I remember you saying something like he was quite nervous when he asked you out? Maybe he is shy. Shy but just not interested enough. I never said anything about getting your hopes up, clearly he is not worth your time.


He might have even read some silly dating advice book suggesting that he must play hard to get and not show up on the first date to make him seem less clingy. Something like "The Rules" for guys, you know.


Now just go and find someone else.

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