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Where to meet girls besides bars/pubs?

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A week ago, my 2 year relationship finally ended. We were living together, but she liked to party a lot, and I couldnt handle it. She would get drunk 4 or 5 nights a week, and I mean really drunk. She has also done coke and used to be a heavy weed smoker. She was still very cool when she was not drinking though, which is probably why it worked for so long. I just could not deal with this though, since in the relationship it felt lot a lot of my affection was unreturned.


I am still very sad about everything, but I think I know what I need to do to recover. I am starting to work out, and am trying to keep myself busy. I just dated and hung around heavy drinkers for long, that I do not want another one, so I am wondering if there is any place that is good to meet women besides the bar. I do not want to have a relationship or anything, but I think getting out there and flirting and talking to girls will help me get some of my "mojo" back, lol. I am a pretty emotional guy, so I know it will take me a while to get things together in my life. I am only 22, and everyone keeps telling me that I'll find someone else, I just hope they are right.


Thanks for reading the whole post if you did, but if not, where can I go to meet girls besides bars/pubs?


Thanks for any advice anyone can give

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Do a lot of people really go to coffee houses to meet people? I dunno about you, but I usually go there, get my coffee, and leave. I go to Tim Hortons though, which isn't the most classiest of places... lots of bums frequent it, lol (ALTHOUGH Tim Hortons is still the most popular coffee place for Canadians! Starbucks is more classy though.) I would just feel sorta awkward if people I don't know approach me I think... seems sorta contrived. Maybe not though, guys have struck up convos. with me before at Tim Hortons but I didn't find them that attractive.. maybe if I actually liked the guy I'd be more comfortable with it. =)

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lol, an all singles cruise... you definitely don't need to go there! unless you're wealthy & have $$ to spare. But you can meet someone just about anywhere -- my aunt met her husband while cleaning windows! I think the most common place is probably at school though. Most people meet their bf/gf through classes or clubs/sports.

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Yo, mad props to you for goin on this quest. Plenty of places for you to meet girls. The mall, bookstores, coffee shops, shoe stores, any kind of shopping stores, the gym, supermarkets, waitresses at resteraunts. And don't rule out bars/clubs because plenty of girls go out but aren't heavy partiers. Lots are looking for a guy to get them out of the party scene.


Keep at it and go to these other sites to help you further

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And don't rule out bars/clubs because plenty of girls go out but aren't heavy partiers. Lots are looking for a guy to get them out of the party scene.


really? you think so?

I always figure they should change FIRST. Not get a guy to change them, that usually doesn't last. I think if they are serious about looking for a guy to get them out of the party scene, they shouldn't go to a party for that guy (:


Totally agree with heloladies21 on props for getting out there thumbs up to you.

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Lots are looking for a guy to get them out of the party scene.


Keep at it and go to these other sites to help you further

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That was my plan before, I do not want to try and change someone, its to hard, and too painful when it doesnt work. Thats kind of what put me in the situation that im in now.


Thanks for the suggestions, though, I just always thought it was weird to just walk up and ask a girl out, but I suppose the worst they can say is no. I usually dont have a problem talking to them once I get started, but damn, those first words are the hardest.



Thanks again guys, and keep any other suggestions coming.

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Not that you'd be trying to change someone, but some of these girls are really interested in making the change themselves and only go out to find a guy and then want to get away from the scene. My brother's gf is an example. She was the biggest party animal, but now the only time she ever goes out is to go along with him. She would much rather spend a night at home. He never had the intent of changing her, she did it on her own.

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Wolfpack -- where do you currently work? In what industry? I'm hoping to live in the city, where lots of single young people are around... but I can definitely sympathize if you live somewhere where there's not! As I am soon graduating I am a bit scared of not meeting a bf in undergrad, but a lot of people don't, and meet someone when they finish school (after all...most people graduate at 22, and it's not always entirely realistic to expect to find your soulmate before 21/22 yrs old..) so I'm not giving up hope. People meet each other in the unlikeliest of places as well, so I'm sure you'll meet someone in time. You're still young.... but perhaps getting out into the city on weekends would be beneficial for you. Good luck.

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  • 1 year later...
Totally Agree with Day Walker, any place as potential for meeting girls

you say you work out, so the gym might be a good place (: parks, beaches, coffee houses, church, just be friendly and social, be yourself

good luck Naglafar

Flower99.............your words, yr Avatar.........such impressive/emotional/sensous combination. My reaction when reading yr words is U are one hell of sweet 'angel'. Are you? Wud it be too much asking for yr pic.........luv to know who's the wonder behind such wise/sweet/ wonderfull phrasing of all things articulate!! Pardon me, but think, you stole my mind and more with the beauty class of elegance of words you chose when posting/writing messages. Thnk U. Taly

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Do a lot of people really go to coffee houses to meet people? I dunno about you, but I usually go there, get my coffee, and leave. I go to Tim Hortons though, which isn't the most classiest of places... lots of bums frequent it, lol (ALTHOUGH Tim Hortons is still the most popular coffee place for Canadians! Starbucks is more classy though.) I would just feel sorta awkward if people I don't know approach me I think... seems sorta contrived. Maybe not though, guys have struck up convos. with me before at Tim Hortons but I didn't find them that attractive.. maybe if I actually liked the guy I'd be more comfortable with it. =)


I think the idea is not to meet other customers, unless they go there as often as you, but meet those who work there.That way you know he'll always be there and try to build some regularity first.

You can read my post "Best public places to meet girls" if you want to know my story.Just replace a female employee with a male employee to match your case LOL.

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