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Advice on moving in an apartment

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I live at my parent's home and the deal is that I feel unactive and I believe that staying there leads my life nowhere. (Mainly, I just feel stucked; it's psychological but I can fix it and one way is to move.)


I never moved and I feel like a bit of help would be needed. There are many things that I must consider, including the most important factor: money.


(For now I got nothing to add, I got like so many things going in my mind that it's confused and I can't get anything coherent. However, instead of stalling and try to write back later, I'll just force it and post it or else, or else I bet I wouldn't be doing to do a further move... Gah I'm so unactive, it's that serious...my body and mind is used to lazyness.)


EDIT: Is it best to be in the appartment alone or try to find an unknown roommate ?

In your opinion, what is the best size for an appartment ?

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First of all, you'll need a lot of money .. so it's best to get that solved by making a financial goal and reaching it. Keep in mind all of the things you will need to buy every week, plus the utilities you will have to pay. A roommate will probably help offset some of these costs. And read any lease carefully before you apply for the apartment or sign anything.

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EDIT: Is it best to be in the appartment alone or try to find an unknown roommate ?

In your opinion, what is the best size for an appartment ?


Some people do better living by themselves, some would rather have someone else around. It'll depend where you fall on that spectrum. I enjoyed living alone, so other than bf's and my husband, I never bothered with a roommate.


I heard plenty of roommate horror stories/annoyances from my friends who went that route. But if you can't stand living alone, you may have a higher tolerance for a roommate(s).


The best size is what you can comfortably afford. I spent 5 years in an efficiency (one room...not one bedroom...ONE ROOM) apartment. It was 12'X20' with a kitchenette, small bathroom and a walk-in closet along one of the 20' walls. It taught me how little I really need to live comfortably....and it never took more than an hour to clean even when it was a huge mess. I slept on a futon that doubled as a couch. The best part was it was all mine. It was cheap enough that I didn't need to have a roommate.


On the other hand, I worked with a girl who insisted she had to have a 2 bedroom apartment. She tried to swing it on her own, but really couldn't afford it...at the same time, she didn't want a roommate either. Instead she stayed there, by herself, and dug herself into a pile of debt by the end of her one year lease.


Now I live in a 1400 sq. foot house with my husband and 2 cats and sometimes I think we have way too much stuff.

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I believe moving out would be great for you.


Of course the first thing u need to consider is money. U will need to have enough saved up for one months rent, plus damage deposit which is usually equivalent to one months rent. so 2 months. U can call around apartments for prices and such. U also want to make sure u have steady enough income so u can afford the rent each month, and have enough left over for phone/internet bill/groceries/power bill/entertainment, etc.


U could consider getting a roommate. Usually u will find ads in the local newspaper for that type of thing. Make sure u go check out the place and meet the people and make sure they are people u can live with. It will definitely save u a lot of money to live this way and u will know people and people to share the bills with etc. but when living with people u gotta make sure u are keeping things clean, u are being respectful, not playing music too loud or coming in at odd hours of the night, etc. things u don't have to worry about living by yourself. but i like living with people cuz its just an added company. it can get lonely by yourself.

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I made myself a spreadsheet of expenses to see how much it would cost to live on my own. I'd suggest that you do the same. Make sure to include food, utlities, rent, furniture, monthly bills like cable, internet, and phone, and make sure you read the lease and know if things like laundry and parking will be available. You also want to check to make sure there are jobs available in this new place. If I think of anything else I'll add it. As far as size goes, I would think about the amount of stuff you have and how much money you have. Also think about your living quarters before and about how much space you are used to.

If you haven't had a roomate before, I would say make sure that you set some guidlines and rules as far as privacy, poessions, and space go. Having a roomate is cheaper and you do get less lonely, but at the same time you could be stuck with someone you don't like. The above advice about meeting them and seeing the place is great and I'm sure that just doing those things will help you out tremendously.

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There are other things to consider as well, things that sometimes people don't consider at all before moving in:


1). Management - Some beautiful apartments have horrible management which will make living there a nightmare


2). Neighbors - Check to see what kind of apartment complex it is. Do professionals and older people live there, or is it a like a frat house? Depends on your preference.


3). How old the building is.. older buildings tend to cost more to keep cool and heat, raising your utility bills.. many older buildings even have foundation problems, leading to pesky insect or leak problems. Keep that in mind and look for newer apartment complexes

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