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Drinking - is it So So or a No Go.

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I read loads in this fantastic forum and it has certainly become my "safe place", I read a lot that people recommend no boozing/drinking while we are carrying out the very excellent No Contact method. Some say that it makes you depressed or anxious and that it makes you feel ten times worse in the morning.....


I personally can drink as much as I want and it has no effect on my emotions while drinking or the day after.


What about you guys, do you find drink makes it worse or does it not bother you much.... I am interested what your personal views are......

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I personally can drink as much as I want and it has no effect on my emotions while drinking or the day after.


You obviously havn't drank enough then!


My emotions don't change so much as my inhibition changes. Not physical inhibition, verbal inhibition. If you want to know anything about me or anything I know, get me boozed up. I'll tell you, and I won't remember in the morning.

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Hey mate

it is a personal choice whether to drink or not,just gotta be aware of the harm it does to you.drink if it make u feel better but don't overdo it


Oh yeah I understand for sure, I was just interested if people could drink and not be tempted to do mad things or if it made them feel worse than they do now (if thats possible ... It just doesnt make things worse for me but everyone else on here seems to say stay away from it.....

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Well, for me, when my ex's sister was in route to my place to pick up the rest of what my ex had left at my house, I decided to have a few beers. I knew my ex wouldn't be with her, but I still wanted to take the wicked edge off that was building up as I knew her sister was on her way.


On the really bad nights, I might have a couple beers because I know it will take the edge off and make the night much smoother. I know drinking, at least in that small of an amount, won't increase my temptation to call my ex. Anything more or harder then beer though, and I know at this point, I would probobly make some stupid mistake like emailing, text messaging or the likes.


If drinking has no effect on your emotions, then I am assuming you are only drinking because you like whatever it is that you are drinking. You are the best judge of your own reactions to this situation.

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I was getting angry and just plain mad when I drank. Alcohol seemed to multiple the feelings I had about my breakup. I dont drink now...maybe 1 drink every 3 weeks. That's how its going to stay too.


Everyone is different though. When I drank I didnt consider, not even once, contacting my ex. I just didnt like myself when I sobered up.




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I think it depends on how you use it. it is a drug, best taken in moderation. if you are going through a rough time, relying on it as your therapy isn't a good idea. avoiding your problems by becoming drunk every night won't help at all. if fact, it can make things a lot worse.


but, if you want to go out drinking with some friends for a fun night out, then that is fine. getting out of the house is a good idea when you are going through a rough time.


I guess the point is don't do it to an excess, and don't rely on it to change your feelings and moods.

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Drinking is really not healthy in my case, but yeah I agree it's a choice people make for themselves.


I can feel my emotions change rapidly when drinking, at one point this helps me feel relaxed and totally open for all sorts of conversations.


On the other hand if I get too drunk and am on my way home (thus not in a group of peers) I become emotionally very unstable.



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drinking makes me feel good, period. there was only one or two occasion where i was all crying and depressed because of the events that were happening at the time. but normally, i'm all happy and loud and obnoxious, in a good fun way.


but after what my ex pulled, i wanted to drink to numb the pain. i haven't had the chance yet (i'm going to party hard tomorrow) but my friend said that's a bad thing. at least the reason why i'm drinking. my friend thinks he knows everything, but he said that's how alcoholism starts. you connect an emotion to alcohol and everytime you feel that emotino, you drink. in other words, if i drink everytime i feel depressed, i will depend on it every time i am depressed. it makes sense, but i dont know.

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drinking makes me feel good, period. there was only one or two occasion where i was all crying and depressed because of the events that were happening at the time. but normally, i'm all happy and loud and obnoxious, in a good fun way.


but after what my ex pulled, i wanted to drink to numb the pain. i haven't had the chance yet (i'm going to party hard tomorrow) but my friend said that's a bad thing. at least the reason why i'm drinking. my friend thinks he knows everything, but he said that's how alcoholism starts. you connect an emotion to alcohol and everytime you feel that emotino, you drink. in other words, if i drink everytime i feel depressed, i will depend on it every time i am depressed. it makes sense, but i dont know.


its 01,00 in the morning here, i hope everyones is good .... Aden.

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i dont think drinking would be all bad, it depends on the situation that get you to drinking. If you drink because you are sad, of course your mind would wander and make you feel depressed later, but, like after my first break up, i got wasted with my friends a few times that summer, did crazy stuffs and it was really fun and i even thought that breaking up is not the end of the world, theres still other funs out there the next mornings were normal and i felt much better afterwards. But of course, moving on like that doesnt let us learn anything


so go ahead and drink, but drink happily

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