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Making me jealous or telling me to leave him alone?


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OK, I was dating someone for a bit and after I over-reacted with him one night, we were pretty much done. I saw him out last week (after trying to call him to apologize, etc..) and since he didn't call me back, I started flirting with guys in front of him to make myself feel better since I felt rejected. He looked like he was pissed and walked away from where I was. At the end of the night, I tried to talk to him once more to see if he wanted to go out and he pretty much ignored me. I got the hint.


Anyways, tonight, there was a band playing that he knows I always go to see (stating to me before that he hates the band). He showed up with some girls and a few of his guy friends. I made sure I stayed away from him and for the most part, had my back turned away to avoid contact. (I wanted to make sure that he understood I got the point he did not want to talk to me).

This was an outdoor event and the only reason people go inside the bar is to maybe order a different drink not available outside. Anways, when I walked out of the restroom inside the bar, two fo his friends were standing against the wall staring at me (they had no purpose being inside). I honestly felt like the guy I am talking about had his friends go in there to check on me, why I don't know. I ignored them though and went back outside.

When I went back to my group, his friends came back out and went over to talk to him. At this point, I was facing the stage far behind them. They all turned around and looked at me and were obviously talking about me. I tried to ignore it and then the guy went out of his way to put his arms around this girl (like he was embracing her from behind) and she kept turning around to let him know that I obviously saw. (I almost felt like it was set up or something because she was so unattractive, I couldn;t see how he would be interested in her). Nonetheless, it upset me and I felt like he was making a point to tell me to leave him alone or something, even though I did nothing at this point to make him think I was interested anymore (in fact, I was with my male buddies having a good time). I left shortly after since the band was finishing up their songs but it probably looked like I was upset, although that was not the reason I left. I just wanted some insight why he was purposely doing this...

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Sounds to me like he is playing * * * for tat in a game that you started. What he is trying to do is upset you, and he is succeeding.


Try your best to ignore it, and also don't retaliate further by overtly flirting with others when he is around again. That will just continue the cycle. If he sees that you don't notice what he is doing or don't care, he'll stop.

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It seemed to me that he was trying to make me jealous but then I think to myself, if he was interested, he would have called me back when I tried to get back in touch with him.

What makes he think he was is that the girl he was "with" kept looking back at me to see if I saw them and then would whisper to him. He obviously wanted me to see.

I did leave shortly afterwards though. Does that at least look like I wasn;t going to sit there and take it his games? I was actually leaving anyways...


Believe it or not, I over-reacted because on our last date, I thought he glanced too long at a girl when we were out, lol. I basically told him I didnt want to see him anymore. (I acted psycho) It was like our fifth or sixth date. Then I tried a few times to apologize but he didn;pt want to hear it.

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Believe it or not, I over-reacted because on our last date, I thought he glanced too long at a girl when we were out, lol. I basically told him I didnt want to see him anymore. (I acted psycho) It was like our fifth or sixth date. Then I tried a few times to apologize but he didn;pt want to hear it.


ok, maybe you overreacted, or maybe you were reacting to some "gut feeling" you had about him that he wouldn't be a good boyfriend. You have to listen to your gut!


I don't know.... don't worry about it. he didn't accept your apology, maybe the relationship wasn't meant to be?

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