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I'm just curious as to how everyone's break up went. All I read about is how much pain everyone is in, but I want to know how the breakup went. Was there alot of calling and pleading or did it end clean? Were things left on good terms, or was there alot of angry words spoken? Did the dumper contact you shortly afterwards, or ever? How did you react to being dumped? Thanks a bunch!

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My boyfriend and I agreed to break up, the next day he went on a business trip (good timing) and I spent the week crying and packing my entire life up. He called once during that week, but then that was it. Things were left on good terms, but I was heartbroken. He seemed to be fine. I haven't attempted to contact him once in the last 2 months, but he has e-mailed be 3times. The e-mails were very casual though, no emotion, no "I miss you and love you and wish I didn't let you go" or anything...which is what I WANT to hear!

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You know this I guess, but I texted him for two days, and left a voicemail finally, and got NOTHING. Finally I sent one last text and asked if we still had something. I finally got a response. It was "no." One effing word! I asked if we could meet in person to talk and I got "No. There's no need to talk, it's over, I'm sorry." Three days earlier he was still saying he loved me and wanted a future with me. I can't get any closure, because he wouldn't talk to me. It stung like hell.

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