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After being broken up a month and then giving her some NC my ex recently contacted me and she said shed been feeling down, that she ended things with the other guy, that she felt it was something that was exciting when we were boring. That she isn't sure is she still loves me saying that things ended really quickly and weird. I told her that I wasnt sure about alot either, I told her we should take things slow and she said yes. I then told her we should start small and get lunch or something, she just said ok and then when i said when would be good she said shes working for a week straight and that she isnt sure. This conversation followed her text message a day earlier saying that she was really sorry for how things ended between us. We may be possibly meeting next week. While im happy to see some sort of breakthrough i'm trying my best not to get my hopes up. I dont want to get all happy only to be crushed again.


To be honest I dont know what to do from here, if any of you have any advice i'd really appreciate it.

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Don't get your hopes up. Doing that will allow you to make mistakes that you will regret. Just go to lunch, think of it as lunch and thats it. You don't bring up the relationship, let her do it. Act happy!!! Don't push anything, remember it's only lunch. Be like it's you r first lunch together. Would you be needy, whiny, throwing all your emotions on the table.. NO!! You would be cool, smooth, confident, happy. Be like that!!!


Good Luck!!

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I'm trying my best not to have any expectations, I know that keeping my emotions under control is best, as hard as that may be because I know i'd just want to leap out of my self and just tell her how much i've missed her and love her. I dont know how I should act? Distant? Flirty like with any other girl?

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You are doing fine. Go to lunch; go slow.... let her initiate a little more. Don't be pushy. Just relax. Don't make your conversations heavy; just have fun....


If you make her laugh, thats a plus, but don't force anything. Remember, she will be nervous also.


I like the idea of flirting. She really is "just any other girl".... if you can act like that, it will really help. Don't be in awe of her!

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