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The mp3 that saved me... literally

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I haven't seen it posted here, and I believe this is an INVALUABLE resource, it's free, so I am posting it here.


It's an mp3 of a sermon. Now, I don't go to church, short of easter and christmas, but believe me when I say this, listen to it. All of it. As I'm sure you'll see from the followup posts, you will see just how powerfull the mp3 is.


So many times I've read things here, even my own posts, from failed relationships and I realized just how appropriate this sermon is. Listening to this over and over again when depression sets in really helps.


Just give it a listen... and -- Let them go....

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This is actually good. The guy sounds like a truly theatrical preacher, but what he's saying has the real ring of common sense. I like what he says about, "Some people think God will give them divine knowledge of who they are supposed to be with. Well, God won't necessarily do that, but He will give you divine knowledge of who you shouldn't be with!"


LOL, that's the truth. Now, how many of us are ignoring those red, red flags??

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This is good isn't it? I wish I would have found this sooner!


This is ~33 minutes of pure truth... with a touch of God.


I had gotten so much help from people here I wanted to to help you all back, good luck everyone


I'm going to laugh when I start seeing people change their tag lines to something from here... Go Pastor Nathaniel Bronner!

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Your destiny is never tied to anybody who left


God can't send you the right stuff (person) until you clean out the wrong stuff (person)


Those quotes inspired me to listen to it as those are often along the lines of what many of us here tell others when they come here in need. So..I did.


And I have to say....that sermon was very good, and that is coming from someone whom generally does not step anywhere near a church never mind sermons!


Here's another "Wow, that's good stuff" to add to the list!

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i'm not religious but this is good, very good. Lot's of common sense and hard truth, which sometimes is the best type - and he's funny too


"it doesn't mean they are a bad person, it just means their part in your story is over" as the sadness gives way to optimism this sentence sums up how I feel when I look backwards.


Thanks for post!



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"it doesn't mean they are a bad person, it just means their part in your story is over" as the sadness gives way to optimism this sentence sums up how I feel when I look backwards.


It hurts to hear that because I invested so much into my ex, and never thought I would be told that I need to cash out right now. I don't want to cash out.

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It hurts to hear that because I invested so much into my ex, and never thought I would be told that I need to cash out right now. I don't want to cash out.
You are cashing out right now by letting her have this much control over your life. You are minimizing your own worth by not acknowledging that you deserve so much better, and not seeing your ex for who she has ultimately really shown you she is- not who you thought she was. You lived plenty of years without even knowing she existed and did just fine for yourself- you will do so again and be an even better person for having gone through this pain.


One of the biggest lessons I have had to learn is that I DO have control over my thinking and emotions. Growing up, I always thought oh well, I can't control what I'm feeling. That is completely wrong. Two books I recommend for you are:


1) Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl... a psychiatrist that wrote about his experience overcoming the trauma of living as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp and how he mentally survived such anguish.


2) There's a Spiritual Solution for Every Problem by Dr. Wayne Dyer


These books have had some profound material that is helpful to me and perhaps it could be for you as well. If nothing else, it will get you out to the bookstore and give you something to do while at home.


-and DELETE her from your myspace friends list entirely and DO NOT look at her page at all. She's like a leech that goes from toying with one guy to another, but trust me, she will end up dumping on the guy she latches onto next so it's not worth sweating over. She will repeat these patterns and you don't want to be a part of that ugly cycle.

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It would of been even better if he had said that the person who didn't want you WAS foolish for not realizing how lucky they were to have your love in the first place...


Well...in all fairness, sometimes people make the right call when they don't want to get involved with us! We all have our issues, and if we subscribe to the belief that anyone who would reject us is a fool, we're just in denial and not facing what we need to fix in ourselves.


And haven't we all at some time rejected someone who we might have been lucky to get, if we weren't so blind?

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Well...in all fairness, sometimes people make the right call when they don't want to get involved with us! We all have our issues, and if we subscribe to the belief that anyone who would reject us is a fool, we're just in denial and not facing what we need to fix in ourselves.


And haven't we all at some time rejected someone who we might have been lucky to get, if we weren't so blind?


I know, haha, I was just teasing. However, SOMETIMES it is true!

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