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I've posted before on this topic, I waited out after her boyfriend was out of the picture, and now I'm more confused then I was from the get-go.


I'll start from the beginning, I'm in love with my best friend. I have been for months. Maybe it's not love, I don't know, I've never been there, but I feel for her like I've never felt for anyone else before.


She's bi, I'm bi. We both know that and are very open about our sexuality. I just want a chance with her. She had a boyfriend, so I never gave it much more thought than a fantasy, then he was out of the picture about a month ago, now it's all I can think of.


She's sleeping with other guys, going out with other guys, and sacraficing sleeping to go out and drink when she has to work early the next morning. Given she's new to the single world, but it kills me to realize how she's acting, it's just seems irresponsible in a sense, and as bad as I know it sounds, I'm jealous, very jealous.


We have a great friendship, we are very close. She holds me when we go to bed at eachother's house, we hold hands on occasion, a few times she's kissed me on the cheek. We joke about being lesbians, half the people think we are, we joke about "sleeping together", the irony of the jokes is I wish it was all true. While we were sleeping I've found her to be feeling me up while she was asleep, or kiss me and I just push her away, as much as I want it. We will be sitting on the couch and just starting at eachother and I see such a connection I just want to hold her chin and kiss her, I'm that close, but I don't have the courage and end up just looking away


We're moving in together in 2 weeks for college and I don't want to keep this from her anymore, it's killing me inside. I don't want to ruin the friendship at the same time, I want her as a friend, she's the best friend I've ever had, but I want her just as much. What do I do? Do I get over it, and how? Do I tell her?

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Sounds like the feelings have a good chance of being mutual. I think I remember your thread from about one month ago. Good to hear that you have waited until she broke up with her boyfriend before actually moving forward on anything.


You will drive yourself crazy if you don't find out soon how she feels about you. Then if the feelings aren't mutual, it will take a lot more time to get over.


This is what I would do: Next time the two of you are having a moment of staring at each other and feeling horny, I would just get really close to her and ask her if you can kiss her.

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I'd love to do that, but I don't know if I'll have the balls... I don't want to ruin the friendship because she's the first truly best friend I have ever had and I don't want to lose that either. Maybe next time we're a little under the influence (I know that sounds bad) I'll have the liquid courage to make a move... if it doesn't work out, I have an alilbi... if it works out, then hey... all the better huh? Thanks for the advice

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The fact that you push her away when she touches your or kisses you in her sleep means that you are a true friend - a less scrupulous person would take advantage of her or at least lay back and enjoy it. She's lucky to have you, and I hope things work out the way you want them to. It sounds like you two would be great together.

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