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Do men "friendzone" women too?

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I've been reading all these posts about how guys with feelings for their female friends end up getting stuck in the "friendzone" because they didn't disclose their intentions early on.


My question: are men equally likely to do the same if the situations were reversed? Or should I believe what my one of my guy friends told me - men are not concerned about ruining the friendship if they're attracted to you. I think to some extent women are more comfortable with having plutonic friendships with their male friends, can the same be said for men?

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I've always wondered, when females give you that line about not wanting to ruin the friendship, are they really just saying that to get away from telling the guy there's some other reason they don't want to go out with them so that they don't hurt their feelings?


For me I would go out with any female friend if I was attracted to them and the opportunity arose. Infact if a female I didn't know well asked me out I'd probably go along with it. (Both of the above are assuming I'm single at the time.)

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you should believe what your friend told you.


unless they are gay or in a relationship and even then sometimes

" your friend will sleep with you given the opportunity "


what you may not know is 95% of your " male friends " have already slept with you, but you werent there, if you know what I'm saying

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I can attest women CAN be "friendzoned." I was and it sucked. It eventually ruined the friendship and it has ended for good. I personally feel its tough to go back to the original friend feeling but that is just me. Men and women can have relationship that are plutonic. For friendships with males my most successful ones are that they are gay, married, or over 50.

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Yes, I have permanently "friendzoned" female friends. But not because they didn't come on to me soon enough, and not because I value their friendship too much (never understood this).


If "friendzoned" means that I dont want to sleep with them or have an exclusive romantic relationship, it is just that. It has nothing to do with them being my friend. They aren't mutually exclusive, people.

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I personally don't have a friendship zone like that. If I'm attracted to someone, then I could know them well or not at all, but I'd be ready to give dating a go. If I am only interested in someone as a friend, then that's all it will ever be. I'm not sure I'm a typical man though...

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