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girls and suicide

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i cant understand why i get so depressed over girl problems with my gf, football camp has started and it seems to lessen the pain somehow but i wont get into details but she is drastically hurting me and it to say it simply and briefly makes me want to die i have already tried to kill myself once and landed in a coma for 3 and a half days so i feel that its not hard to do that again except i hope i will die next time i try if i do living just isnt worth all the pains in the asses that come with living please help show me how to deal with probs and i do weightlift and get a ton of good heavy exercise but they dont numb the pain anymore

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What ever you have problems with, please do not commit suicide nor attempt it again, that's the cowards' way out. You're 15, you have plenty of life to process and it is usually at this stage where depression and stress plays a major role in your life. However, most important i sknow how to deal with it.

Do you hang out with friends out? Any activities, school clubs?? etc. And how is your relation in general going??

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No girl is worth your life. Period.


Kick this girl's *** to the curb. You've got great motivation and the drive to succeed and no woman should ever stand in the way of that kind of drive. Also, seek help. Talk to your parents, your teachers, anyone whom you're familiar with. Tell them you've got problems and they revolve around this girl. She's toxic to you, and plain and simple, you deserve much better.

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Pain is something that we have to learn to deal with, it doesn't come easy for anyone. You have to find reasons to live, that makes it easier.


When you put your entire being into another person,than you are setting yourself up for failure. You first must love yourself and like the skin your in, focus on what makes you happy. Things other than being in love because most of us will find times in our life that we are alone. Focus on friends and family.


You may need to seek professional help, some things can't be dealt with alone. There are meds out there to help you cope.....

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By your post it seems like your trying to cover your pain with different activities, although activity such as exercise can cover and numb the pain for a short while, it can continue to surfers if you don’t deal with it head on…Advice being- Please Please leave this girl!! It will be hard at first but you seem like you have a lot going for you, you can’t let her bring you down! Talk to her, tell her how your feeling also see the school counsellor and tell them your thoughts. If you find it hard to talk openly with people about your feelings then reading self help books are also good!!! They can provide great motivation for life..

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  • 7 months later...

Hunny don't let yourself get that low again. Suicide looks so good when your down, looks like heaven but is it really worth it. You have so much to live for. You have such talent on the football feild and such great mates. You've made a difference already and helped me so much when i was down. So please think really hard about this.


You've been there befroe and you fought, so fight again and again until you don't have to anymore.You know this feeling can pass.


Please if you ever need to talk PM me or email me or something if you need. I'll respond asap. So just keep fighting darling, i'm sure you can make it!

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