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Well as I posted before, I am doing my internship at a Security place and tonight was a really bad night. I was working fine and everything was going okay until me and the other investigator *Jackie* caught 2 girls and one little girl doing something in the lingerie department. Mind you this is my first time after practicing it in theory and everything seeing people actually commit theft. So I was sort of frozen yet I was having this adrenline rush and everything. Anyway the girls left in a hurry and *Jackie* went to see what had been left behind. Without that knowledge there was no possible way to make arrest. However, we found that they had stolen jewellery and we had a loss off $70 or more....*Jackie* couldnt find the girls...


I felt really angry, upset and I literally wanted to cry. I thought that I could have done so much. When *Jackie* was lookin at the tages I should have grabbed a phone and ran after the girls just to see where they were going and called *Jackie* up. But ..i just froze and I stood by the camera...I felt like a failure and a complete idiot. Then I told her on the phone how I had logged her out and she was like ohhh my work wasnt saved and she ended up losing her work...


*Jackie* was like well i a mnot mad at you but i didnt thnk you would touch the computer...ughhhh


UGH...I came out of work literally crying today!

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With time you will feel more comfortable with what you need to do in those situations. The first time you encounter something like that I can see why you might freeze. You never really think people are capable of such things until you see it firsthand.


Learn from what happened with this experience. You and Jackie should spend some time just rehashing the incident and just come up with what you'll do next time the same thing happens. Everything takes practice before you get good at it.

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With time you will feel more comfortable with what you need to do in those situations. The first time you encounter something like that I can see why you might freeze. You never really think people are capable of such things until you see it firsthand.


Learn from what happened with this experience. You and Jackie should spend some time just rehashing the incident and just come up with what you'll do next time the same thing happens. Everything takes practice before you get good at it.

Yeah, you are right. But I just feel really horrible right now...its like I am not capable of doing the field I am into...it jus makes me feel really bad. I wish things could have gone differently tonight. I think she was a bit upset with me.

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I think we've all had days at work where you feel like everything you touch turns to crap. The point of an internship is that you are basically still in training, and are learning the job, and people learn from mistakes.


I was pretty hopeless in my first shift ever in hospitality work (10 years ago now). By the end of the week I was fine... and later I was considered to be excellent at it, really cut out for it, and surpassed the workmates who had "trained" me (it's not all I do now though - and I'm earning a degree).


When I have been training other staff I have never let them feel like they are asking stupid questions, or that first week mistakes mean they don't belong there. Because as long ago as it was, I haven't forgotten my first week.


Security work is very confrontational, and no matter what you do losses are still going to happen... so it's no wonder the adrenalin was rushing. Anyone who does that kind of work (loss prevention, customs, bouncers) will get worked up over their first few confrontations. Don't beat yourself up because you're not the exception. Part of the way you felt afterwards may have even been in response to that (I've had a few bad come downs from adrenalin rushes).


My advice would be to accept that the way you feel is normal under the circumstances (I mean what a day hey?), that this could have happened to anyone, and go in there as confident in yourself as possible, believing that tomorrow is a new day.

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Thanks Jacy, your words reassure me a lot. I guess I just feel weird because *Jackie* seemed a little ticked off from me too and she didnt say "its okay, or dont worry about it". I was going to cry right there but somehow I didnt let the tears come and walked out with my head held high. I came home and burst out crying but my parents couldn't understand why. They just said you are not even working , its okay...bla bla bla...


Its not that ..the theft bugged me, the girls runnin away bugged me...me feeling helpless bugs me too.

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hazleyed - don't be so hard on yourself.


We have to allow our self mistakes sometimes, right?


It's when we don't learn from them that we get ourselves in trouble.


I say....cut yourself some slack, pick up where ya left off and keep at it.



I was already having a tough time dealing with my boss and now it seems like I have failed in my own eyes and I dunno how to go back because I really wanted to show him that I am capable of doing this job and today would have been the best example. I guess I can kiss my chance of getting a job here after my internship goodbye.

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I agree with the others, don't be so hard on yourslef. You admitted yourself, you have done the theory and this was your first time putting the theory in action however there is really nothing that can truly prepare you for real life scenarios. Learn from what happened and you will be fine. Never mind going over the could/should/would haves.

It happened and it is in the past now, soon you will just react instantly to what is happening and you will be fine.

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