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Can you love 2 persons at the same time?

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I know this sounds wrong but I am in love with a guy who is married and has a baby son but I have done nothing wrong with him besides talk with him a couple of times or only see each other once in a while but he's been after me since the time we saw each other after about 4 years without seeing each other. He's been calling me and he's been telling me he's only with his wife for his son and he loves me and he married his wife because he thought he would never see me again but after 4 years he saw me again and he says he loves me like the first time he saw me. I really need help, and I'm only 15 and I SERIOUSLY need to know if somebody cann tell me if there is really such thing as being in love with 2 persons at the same time?????

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not to be over critical on the age issue here, but i mean at age 15 believe me you still have ALOT of things to see and UNDERSTAND...


in MY opinion, i truly, sincerely believe that you THINK you're in love with this married man (which i assume is over the age of 25) only because he tells you all these sweet things....but hey....you are young and full of life, try meeting some guys around your age group....and THEN ask yourself if a married man, alot older than you, with a kid...is truly what you want....and love....


i am sure the answer is really within yourself...good luck.

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Yes, you can love multiple people at the same time.


Should you? That's a different answer depending on who you ask.


I'm certain you will get a lecture from other members regarding your age and loving a married man, so I'll let others do that.

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No, not real love, you can "feel love" but not real love.


You can be in infatuation or in a crush with more than 2 guys. Actually even married people can get crushes on anyone at anytime. But it's something else to act on a feeling.


Real love is more than a feeling, it's a commitment, it's an act of the will. If you really loved this guy, then in your heart you know the right thing for his life, for his baby son, is that he stay with his son's mother.

Real love is committed. Real love is loyal and faithful and does not cause harm to another.


If he can cheat on his wife with you, then he can cheat on you when you're with him.


Your gut is telling you that it's not right, that's why you are even questioning it here to the web forum.


Listen to your instincts.


Don't listen to him anymore. You're 15. You can do better than a cheater right off the start.

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Cut off all contact with this guy. He is a creep and a possible pedophile if he's telling you he fell for you 4 years ago when you were still a CHILD. I feel horrible for this man's wife and child. Don't believe a word this man tells you. The most common lie that men tell when they want to cheat is that they are only married because of the kids. In all honesty he's probably going after you because of the fact he thinks you are young enough to be niave and guliable enough to fall for his lines.


If you do not cut off contact with this guy, and let him bait you into having an affair with him, you will get hurt. Get out now and save yourself the years of heartache, degradation, and pain that await down the path of being a dirty little secret.


You are worth more.

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I'd agree with theantibarbie23, never thought of it that way, if he fell for you 4 years ago, when you were 11, and he was in his 20s.. He sounds like a creep to me too :S I say listen to theantibarbie23, I think she's right 110%.

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well i guess he does not sound like he really loved me 4 years ago but he now calls me and he tells me he and he married because he "accidently" got her pregnant but he still feels the same special way for me, but then I ask him "what about your wife" and he does not say anything!!! I dont know if he feels something for her or for me

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well i guess he does not sound like he really loved me 4 years ago but he now calls me and he tells me he and he married because he "accidently" got her pregnant but he still feels the same special way for me, but then I ask him "what about your wife" and he does not say anything!!! I dont know if he feels something for her or for me

In this day and age people do not rush out and get married just because they get a woman pregnant. Wake up and see the sad reality of this situation. He wants to cheat on his wife. What kind of guy does things like that, a good one with integrity and morals? Of course not! He is a sleaze that knows how to manipulate your emotions and tells you exactly what he thinks a fifteen year old girl wants to hear. He is setting you up for a BIG fall.


It doesn't matter if he has feelings for you or not (although I'd wager money that he doesn't) what matters is that it is wrong for you to get in the middle of someone's marriage, period. You do NOT want to be responsible for helping to ruin some innocent woman's life. You will never be able to look at yourself in the same light again afterwards. You will lose a lot of respect from your loved ones and most importantly -- yourself.


If he wants you so badly and loves you soooooooo much, let him get a divorce and wait until you are of legal age but something tells me it will be a cold day in hell before that happens.

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