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Too many problems, need help

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I am not a person who enjoys asking for help but now things are too much out of control and I need it. My life pretty sucks in every aspect right now.


Family: Won't quit the drama. I'm going to be with my family 2 weeks and they have strong feelings against each other like "I don't want to see your aunt"... "I'm not stepping into your brother's house" stuff like that. I'm gonna be there for 2 weeks and they can't get over themselves to unite the family.


Friends: Turning their back on me. One of my close friends saw one of my scars and asked if it was on purpose or not, since i trust her I said yes it was on purpose. She just came straight out and called me an imature, goth freak(Not exactly what a cutter wants to hear). Another friend of mine turned her back on me straight and cold. Right now I have very few solid friends whom I end up hurting. Only thing good is that I confessed to one of my friends about me cutting and he understood and helped me out with it although he was a little disappointed in me.


Relashionships: Recovering from a broken heart and having that person so close is hurting me still not to bad here cuz I lost a bf but I got a best friend who cares about me alot and loves me to death.


Social Life: Went to a club had fun there with a long time friend then the next day was outta the house all day with her and a couple of people just hanging around listening to music walking. I was having so much fun that I was hardly at home and so my Mom got mad at me says I'm being to much of a party girl, stuff like that I was so happy just to be brought down.



Big problem is that because of all this junk going on in my life I can't do the one thing that makes me happy (helping people) and I feel so useless.:sad: Not being able to help anyone is bringing me down back into a depression and I'm actually phisically brung down too. I'm tired and sore all the time sometimes I can't even do usual things.


I'm not sure what I'm asking for, all I wanted was to get things out. If anyone wants to help it will be appreciated if not I'll survive. Thanks in advance

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Did your friends understand what the cutting meant? Apparently there are some people who cut because they think it's "cool", that may be what they're thinking about you (thus the "goth freak" comment). It's good that you have a best friend who's there for you.


My mom gets mad at me about certain things too. It hurts when she doesn't support me in something. So recently I've started trying to be honest to her about when she's hurting my feelings, or when I feel like she is being unsupportive. It seems to work.. I'm sure if you told your mom (for future reference) that you were having a lot of fun and it was helping you get over your ex, she would understand.


If making people makes you happy, you could go volunteer at a soup kitchen, or a children's hospital.. those kinds of places always welcome new volunteers. I'm sure that would make you feel better and also take your mind off some of your problems.

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If making people makes you happy, you could go volunteer at a soup kitchen, or a children's hospital.. those kinds of places always welcome new volunteers. I'm sure that would make you feel better and also take your mind off some of your problems. agree, and i would add that i hope you'll seek more constructive and effective ways of easing your sorrows than slicing open your skin, which is a dangerous placebo at best. it's not excess blood in your veins or the lack of physical pain that's troubling you, after all... right?


anyway, i'm sorry to hear that you're so stressed out, and i just want to remind you that things often work out much better than we think they will.



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I have tried on numerous occasions to explain to her why I cut and what cutting is all about but she just thinks it's imature and weird (She is a very close minded person).


With my mom things are looking up yesterday we were doing pretty good I wanted to go out and she actually understood but said no cuz it was raining, which i was a little irritated but I understood after all i had to walk 5 blocks to get where I wanted.


By helping people I mostly mean giving advice, helping with their problems. Thanks to all this crap going on in my life I hardly help on eNotAlone, I'm giving lousy advice to friends and everything is going downhill.


I try breaking down my problems but that doesn't work because they always bounce back up. I only cut myself once (as in only on slash) but it was kinda deeper than i had ever cut before. I know there are more constructive ways, I'm always telling people that but they are hard to find. And I just feel worse for being a hipocrit about cutting and letting down my family and friends. I just feel worse I feel so bad at the moment.

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I have tried on numerous occasions to explain to her why I cut and what cutting is all about but she just thinks it's imature and weird (She is a very close minded person).
Then forget about her and trying to explain, its not worth it hun.


With my mom things are looking up yesterday we were doing pretty good I wanted to go out and she actually understood but said no cuz it was raining, which i was a little irritated but I understood after all i had to walk 5 blocks to get where I wanted.
Now, didnt I say that she was putting in effort? You two would be so much better off with just putting in some effort and helping each other, etc etc.


By helping people I mostly mean giving advice, helping with their problems. Thanks to all this crap going on in my life I hardly help on eNotAlone, I'm giving lousy advice to friends and everything is going downhill.
Not everything is going downhill, and you know that. I cannot say one thing on here that i'm certan isnt going downhill. Perhaps there are others??


Family: Won't quit the drama. I'm going to be with my family 2 weeks and they have strong feelings against each other like "I don't want to see your aunt"... "I'm not stepping into your brother's house" stuff like that. I'm gonna be there for 2 weeks and they can't get over themselves to unite the family.
There isnt much you can do about that, but I do know you would love to visit them so much. I guess my only bit of help I can think of at the moment is to not worry about all the family members, just worry about yourself. Your nice, sweet, funny, and so much other good stuff, people will want you there, assumeing you can insert yourself.


Take care hun.

You know where i am.

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I am going to forget about her I'm telling her I stopped cutting and if I ever do, well she ain't finding out .


My mom and I well fine I'll put in my effort in.


Everything is going downhill. My life used to be perfect or close to but now my life is so messed up i just want to get out.


With my family I want to spend time, I want to have fun but how can I when they come up with this stuff they don't want to even see each other!

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Everything is going downhill. My life used to be perfect or close to but now my life is so messed up i just want to get out.
Thats the up and down side of life hun. Sooner or later it will go up again (I beleave it maybe sooner then you realise)


With my family I want to spend time, I want to have fun but how can I when they come up with this stuff they don't want to even see each other!
When are you actually going again? next month wasnt it?


Why dont they want to see each other?

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The trip is for July 9th. And no the familt problems are not going to get better by then this stuff started 2 years ago so it's not getting fixed anytime soon. They are not speaking to each other or not seeing each other because of some stupid business problem that happened years ago. I don't even know the exact thing that happened. All i know is they are acting childish and letting the family break because of something so stupid .

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