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Thinking Of Contacting Ex

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Broke up almost 6 months ago, I know she has a b/f for a few months now but i feel like i should say something now all i am planning to do is sending her a song from a anonymous account she will know who it was by, do you guys think this is a good idea just a sign or not if she deosnt reply i will not persue the situation anymore but she was my first love and i do want to show that there is stil something there after so many months of no contact.

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i know how things work i mean i have learnt so much since the experience and wud like her to b in my life agen if not atleast i knew it truly wasnt meant to be, it really wont effect me in anyway, she was the best thing that ever happened and i know she wud b afriad to contact me cuz of my reaction or mayb the old me was like (really proud) i dont see what harm that can cum from this, do i really want to live the rest of my life knowing i let something that was so good for me go, and even if there is no reply doesnt that just give me real closure after so long.

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lol im 20 i havent spoke to her in like 4 months now. y dont u guys think i should send her this song.?


Sending a song to an exgirlfriend who has a bf is not a good idea.

If you want to be friends with her, this may not be the way to go about it (it's an instent disruption to her life).

Show her you care about her happiness, and become friends with her, see where it goes from there. Like you said you haven't spoken to her in 4 months.Dont' break the ice with a song to someone elses girlfriend it's kind of innappropriate and could cause a problem.

If you want to touch base with her, send her an email saying you were thinking of her, what's new & hope things are going well for her. Casual but friendly.

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definitely a bad idea i think. it will seem a little bit stalkery, especially the anonymous account. and when you're not into someone, having him basically dedicate a romantic song to you is pretty overwhelming. restrain yourself. sending her a short email (from YOUR account) asking her how she is would be preferable, though still not the greatest idea.

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ok guys ill just leave it just thought it might of been a idea but u r right with the whole stalking thing, i wud however like to know she is doing well thas right but if it risks any problems or makes things worse then id just leave it.

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yep just leave it, what makes you so curious about her anyway? The only way you'd be curious is if you weren't over her. What do you expect her to do? Not talk about her new boyfriend and hurt you all over again? Because thats exactly the sort of thing that will come out of her mouth. 4 months and a new boyfriend means you are more or less forgotten, she might think about you from time to time but i can assure you its never been, "well, i think ill give him a call" More like, "Oh, thats sad...but whatever."


youre setting yourself up for some major pain here

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