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Everything posted by GodsSon

  1. yeh i hear u im leaving it now n e way i have no problem in talking to the girl or not i was just getting advice from some of u guys...which is very much appreciated believe guys thanx
  2. ok guys ill just leave it just thought it might of been a idea but u r right with the whole stalking thing, i wud however like to know she is doing well thas right but if it risks any problems or makes things worse then id just leave it.
  3. lol im 20 i havent spoke to her in like 4 months now. y dont u guys think i should send her this song.?
  4. i know how things work i mean i have learnt so much since the experience and wud like her to b in my life agen if not atleast i knew it truly wasnt meant to be, it really wont effect me in anyway, she was the best thing that ever happened and i know she wud b afriad to contact me cuz of my reaction or mayb the old me was like (really proud) i dont see what harm that can cum from this, do i really want to live the rest of my life knowing i let something that was so good for me go, and even if there is no reply doesnt that just give me real closure after so long.
  5. Broke up almost 6 months ago, I know she has a b/f for a few months now but i feel like i should say something now all i am planning to do is sending her a song from a anonymous account she will know who it was by, do you guys think this is a good idea just a sign or not if she deosnt reply i will not persue the situation anymore but she was my first love and i do want to show that there is stil something there after so many months of no contact.
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