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I'm so worried... Might I be pregnant?

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ok, my boyfriend and i have been together for about 10 months now. We just recently had sex for the first time. Well.. sorta. You see, he had just ejaculated and cleaned himself, but then he put it in me. There was no condom, and he didn't even stick it in even half way. It's already been about a week, but no symptoms at all. Is there ANY possiblility i could be pregnant?

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theres a possibility. even after cleaning himself that definetly wouldnt clean up the mess. was he hard when he went in you? if he wasnt then i dont know, i doubt it. cos im pretty sure once sperm hit the air they die? i might be wrong. its possible though. you should go on teh pill or get some condoms. i am on the pill and my boyfriend wears condoms so we never really have to worry. its sucha small chance that i could get pregnant. you could go to a clinic if you needed birth control. i strongly suggest it if you two are going to be sexaully active.

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I'm no medical expert, but from what you've written, there is an extremely small chance you will get pregnant. I wouldn't worry about that...but...


Watch out! It sounds like you might be walking a fine line in what you're doing there in the bedroom...let this be a wake up call to you to take care of yourselves...

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It COULD happen, there would still be sperm left in the urtethra likely even after wiping off the outside, that have the potential to leave the urethra and be depositied in your vaginal canal.


For sex, and for pregnancy, it does not matter how far you "stick it in" - it could be all the way, or 1/2 inch.


If you WERE pregnant, you would not have symptoms yet after a week. Sperm has to meet with egg (which can take a couple days depending on your ovulation time), then fertilized egg can take up to a week to travel through fallopian tube and implant into uterine wall, then it can take another week to build up enough hormones to be detected by a pregnancy test as well as to show symptoms (if you do show any that early). This is why you don't test generally until a missed period.


I would say, your chance is small, but not zip, and you should take precautions in the future. Do NOT penetrate without a condom, and perhaps look into using other additional forms of birth control as well.

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Thank you all so much! I was planning on getting birth control in the near future. We both decided not to do anything intimate until we get both condoms and birth control. Thank you again, and I will be careful.


Sounds like a plan! Enjoy!

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