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Can One Really Change?

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I was wondering if it is possible to change the way someone sees you, if they already have this "perceived" image of you. Does time change peoples opinions at all...of course seieing that the person has made obvious efforts to improve themselves. Does it happen or do you all think peoples minds are pretty much made up?

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I'd like to think that people notice that sort of thing. After pretty much hitting rock-bottom with my self-esteem and choices I've made in my life, I decided to do some serious work on myself, and I know for a fact that a few of my closest friends have already begun to notice the difference. The thing is, most change is pretty gradual, so it may take some people longer to notice a change than others...some people are also more perceptive than others.


Some people might also cling to an old perception of someone if it fits in with their worldview better, or serves them better. Not that that makes them a bad person, some people just really don't like change, even if it's in someone else. I guess it would also depend on what changes you've made. In some instances, it might require proof over a long period of time to convince some people that you've actually changed.


Not sure if that's much of an answer, but hopefully at least it's food for thought.....

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i think so.. it depends on how long youve know someone..

and sometimes it takes time to get to kno someone on a personal level.

ive had a experience like this..

their was this guy and i only saw hiim when he was out with his friends and i perceived him in a different way but i gave him a chance to know him differntly.. it also depends if your with a group of people wen u meet this person or if your alone.. people tend to act differnt when they are out with their friends then they would by themselves..

to make a long story short this guy is now my best friend in the whole world..and if i didnt get a chance to kno him better i wouldnt of had such a great friend!!

so never give up hope!! and if its meant to be everything will come together

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perception - is a variable from one moment to the next.

You can be dressed as a sophicated women in a busness suit and next you can be dressed as a tart in that same business suit.


People pereptions are variable and it is difference from one person to the next and one moment to the next. It is not something that changes over night but it can change. We are humans. The question is .. do we want to change our perception.


It is not for us to change someones perception of us because then we put more value in their perception then in ourselves.


If your efforts are for yourself and you are changing for the better then that is all that matters. As for their perceptions of you after you have changed, it doesnt matter. It is for them to see for themselves.

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Some people are open minded enough to see change and change there perception of you. Some people aren't. People that refuse to see a change are obviously not worthy of knowing the new and improved you. Hopefully you are changing for yourself and not for someone in particular. The good thing is you have changed and every new person that meets you will have a good impression of you.

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People can change themselves.

People can change their minds.

I've seen friends pull themselves from bad situations and change their lives. If you've worked at changing for the better, you might be more inclined to admire others for doing the same.

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I think most people cling to their preceived image of you and don't feel comfortable with anyone changing, even if those changes are for the better.


It's sometimes why some peoples' careers take off when they move to another place of work.

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