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I can't give it a title, but please...

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hey everyone. THis mite sound kinda stupid but, i'm really sick of having no one (relationship wise), i want someone to hold, and someone to share my days events with etc...

I see people (couples) at school, walking around together holding hands, kissing, and just generally being there for eachother, and for them, great! for me, it sends me into a black hole...I don't know who they are, I don't want to be with them necicerally, but I just want to have someone...its not just at school. walking in town, watching tv, anything


what makes it worsre for me is da one girl that I really feel strongly for...can't know.


does this make sense?

what do I do? thanks

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Don't worry,you'll find someone to do all these things with too.Post about the girl you like at the moment.Meanwhile,look around at available girls.Never lose an opportunity to go out and have fun,You won't meet a girl by sitting at home(unless you try online dating,that is).And don't look at the bright side of being in a relationship only.There are arguments,fights,cheating,losing interest,disappointment,breaking up... *sighs* ah,well,just don't expect your girlfriend to make you happy.Be happy with your own life.Though the girlfriend is a part of your life hmm..Anyway,I'm in a relationship right now but I still feel lonely,so it's not all about that.Good luck.

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I can understand what you mean. I guess I would call it being envious. My husband passed away a bit over two years ago, and I had been with him for 28 years/almost 30 including the dating years. When I go out now ,I long for someone to be with, hold my hand and take walks with, everything basically.


My situation in regard to having no one in my life is much different than yours. One day I hope that someone comes into my life again. I am sure for you that someone will come into your life when the time is right. As I said before I can certainly understand how you feel having no one to share things with.

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The best thing to do is to talk to everyone. Make lots of friends. A friend may have friends that you haven't met -- and one of them may turn out to be the girl for you. Plus having friends takes your mind off of being single.

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stop being a hater and quit playin. Get real buddy. Keep it real and play the game smart



yeh - this and......


...I guess the girl can't know because she's the gf of your mate? Or...she's already told you no??


Anyway, point is, give it time. Either she'll be free sometime in the future or somebody great is right under your nose pining for you the way you fancy the untouchable girl....

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was good homie

first off i know how u feel about having no one at that age, all my friends had their girls..and i was always the 3rd wheel whenever they went out... i later realized i didnt need that bleep..i was making myself miserable focusing just on one thing: girls. It was getting me no where, it made me unhappy because i was in need of a girl...i think you should chill, enjoy your young life, cuz ur 16..go out wit friends, start some trouble if you have to but have fun lol... girls will see that your a kool and fun person and they want to be around you... i tried it myself but at the time i was too shy to even talk to a girl and right now im tryina deal with it and being more open, but ur young and u got a fresh start


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