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listen to yourself

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I listen to myself everyday and find just enough encouragement to make it through to the end. I ask myself; Why am I here? What am I to say?

Why am I expected to waste a majority of my life working away at something I don't enjoy? All for a house, a car, a piece of land...F**K this!!!!! I hate how I'm dragged through this never ending cycle of materialistic bullS**T!!!! I meet people every day who have worked 20-70 years of their lifes. What do they have to show for it? Nothing but brittle bones and a boat they can't use. I will NOT stand for this...

Yet I greet every morning the same. Caught in this never ending cycle. I need to support myself don't I? Fill my belly so I can go on another day. Am I different? Have I changed? I don't understand my expectations but I know what I'm doing now isn't one of them.





Please share what gets you through the day. What have you come to understand that makes your load a little easier to move?


Thank you

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do you not realize that ur ability to have free time and to not be out in the farmyard chasing the chickens, milking the cow, and planting the corn was built upon the hardwork and sacrifices of your forefathers?


answer my question and i will answer urs.

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Not my forefathers, Tea. They didn't go for that ride.


Ahhh, what gets me through the days....loving someone. curiosity. Knowing that there is always something around the corner I haven't heard of yet.


I have a lot of pits, but falling into the expectations of others hasn't really been my deal. F - em. There is no life in living to fill others ideas of how things should be. Most of the time they are wrong, even dangerous.

The world needs people who use their own minds.

Make your own mistakes. It's a lot of fun.


p.s. you'd be amazed at ways people have found to fill their bellies.

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OCG... this will pass. Not the cycle, just your view of it. Life won't get any easier, you just get better at dealing with it... until one day you'll realize you're actually enjoying the challenge, and having fun while trapped in that same thing that seems like the abyss.


It sounded like corny bullsh** when someone tried to explain it to me a few years ago too, so I'm sure that's what it sounds like to you. Hopefully, you'll still be around to tell the same thing to someone in a few years... (they won't listen either)



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I totally agree: you need a PASSION, a purpose, something to keep you going. You need to assess your needs, wants, dreams and make a plan for yourself and then a course of action.


Trust me, sometime it all gets to me too and I wonder, what's the point? It's the same old cycle of BS over and over, and attaining all the things that I want (wealth, success, the elusive stress-free life) will never make me totally happy.


But I've decided to not let the negativity down, because you create your destiny. Positive thinking goes a long way...start writing down what you want, how you feel, what you think and you'll be surprised to find out something new about yourself...it might inspire you.

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I have passion... music, spending time and helping my best friends, helping my family, living life outside of work, helping others that are less fortunate. I have only worked 7 years of my life... but already it seems as though it could have been put to better use.


I guess what it really comes down to is; I meet so many people everyday that are unhappy with where they are, waking up every day to come to cubicle hell... I am scared to end up in the same situation. I want to share my passion with others, give them a sound to which they can let go and forget about lifes' every day struggle... let them understand and experience what I feel. To which you would respond.. "WELL GO OUT AND DO IT!" And then I say "where does it all begin?"

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Obligatory Simpson's Quote

That's okay, honey. I used to believe in things too.
You say you like music? Get a job around music. A man who dreams of being a pilot will have a better time as a janitor at an airport than a janitor at a factory.


Working sucks, stay in school as long as possible.

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It sounds like you are trying to live in the future, which is impossible. I have found that concentrating on being content/at-peace/calm now is sufficient. If I am not at peace now, which after all is where I am, what is the point of thinking about the future....


This society tries to sell us all sorts of 'things' to 'make us/life better', but what will 'make us/life better' is being 'better' now; ie, not making/seeing a problem now. There cannot actually be a problem in the now.


Music and dancing are not about the future, they are happening now. Whoever dances or listens to music in order to get to the end of the dance or the music... We dance, listen to music now. Life is no different; just go with the music... the dance of life...

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I completely agree with what you guys are saying and I thank you for all your thoughts, words and wisdom.


I tend to live in the future... which is obviously doing me no good. Thinking about what will happen tomorrow, or at the end of the week. It's hard not to think that if I can get past this moment... the next might be better. We are all searching for what we live for and some people give up and settle for something that's "acceptable." I have an acceptable life right now but I feel like I want to jump out of my skin. This is not me... it cannot be. All that crosses my mind are questions of how and when. I want to live my passion and like you say renthead, wake up every morning and enjoy every breathing second that I have on this earth. I want to open my eyes and realize who I am. Not just a reflection in the mirror.


Do you ever stop for a second, look around yourself, and think about what's happening? This is hard to explain but... I will look around and a certian emotion is evoked inside of me. A good feeling of content. While everything around me is normal, there's something about that moment that was important and is gone in a blink of an eye. It probably sounds weird, but it's something that I want to talk to someone about and usually no one wants to listen. Everyone is caught up in the moment but I feel like I'm on a different plane. It's hard for me to relate to anyone. Most people look at me like I'm mentally retarded because I don't talk that much. Which I could care less, I don't think they are a bad person because of it, but it's just how most people approach me. Man I have gone off on a tangent.. to anyone that listens to this... thank you.

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What gets me through my day is just having something to do. It would be a lot more boring sitting at home day after day after day. I've tried that and it got old fast.


So I get out of bed every morning, come to work...and I try to do a better job than I did the day before. Not for the money, heck no. I mean, money is a good thing...with money you can buy the things that you need to survive. You can also feed your family, buy your girlfriend a bunch of flowers, put shoes on your kids' feet. But I try to look at it as a challenge. A personal accomplishment for myself.


You can go to work every day and do the same thing every day, no problem. It gets boring that way. But I try to go to work and do something a little bit better every time.


This gives my life purpose. I enjoy my job, and I'm payed well for what I do. Each payday, I can look at my check and know that this is something that I accomplished on my own. I didn't have to ask anybody for this money, I didn't have to borrow it, I didn't have to steal it...I worked for it. I can do good things with the money (donating to a church). I can do bad things with it (stocking my cupboards with snacks even though I'm diabetic). But after two weeks of hard work, this is my reward--to make that choice.


Anyhow, that's what gets me through my day. Thanks for asking.

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It's hard not to think that if I can get past this moment... the next might be better. We are all searching for what we live for and some people give up and settle for something that's "acceptable." I have an acceptable life right now but I feel like I want to jump out of my skin. This is not me... it cannot be. All that crosses my mind are questions of how and when. I want to live my passion and like you say renthead, wake up every morning and enjoy every breathing second that I have on this earth. I want to open my eyes and realize who I am. Not just a reflection in the mirror.


Hi OCG. In the spirt if sharing, some thoughts:


If one truly "gives up" one does not need to settle for anything. Settling for anything is not giving up. How can it be; if you are settling somewhere, you haven't given up the notions of either yourself or somewhere. This 'giving up' does not mean there is not a bodymind living somewhere, it just means that there is no need to define this. Calling this "acceptable" is defining this. This is neither acceptable nor not... it is just as it is.


"Jumping out of your skin" could in other words be "not defining yourself"... If you are not defined, how can you be anywhere... let alone in a skin.


I understand you to say that you do not want to be "just a reflection in the mirror". You are not. You are only this when the mind is 'reflecting'; ie reflecting its own beliefs. Your beliefs are what define yourself and your world.


There is nothing stopping you 'waking up' and 'realizing who you are'. The very act of defining is the stopping.


Do you ever stop for a second, look around yourself, and think about what's happening? This is hard to explain but... I will look around and a certian emotion is evoked inside of me. A good feeling of content. While everything around me is normal, there's something about that moment that was important and is gone in a blink of an eye. It probably sounds weird, but it's something that I want to talk to someone about and usually no one wants to listen. Everyone is caught up in the moment but I feel like I'm on a different plane. It's hard for me to relate to anyone. Most people look at me like I'm mentally retarded because I don't talk that much. Which I could care less, I don't think they are a bad person because of it, but it's just how most people approach me. Man I have gone off on a tangent.. to anyone that listens to this... thank you.


The 'stopping' of the mind is the "feeling of content(ment)", the "different plane". The 'being hard to relate' (in the sense of talk about) is natural, as when you stop defining, what is there to relate...


This is not 'going off on a tangent', nor a mental difficulty. How could it be, as when undefined there is nothing 'there/here' to be going off on, nor to give any difficulty. It is 'when the mind starts up' that the tangents and difficulties arise.


This is not saying not to use the mind. The mind naturally has its place, but to rely on it to tell 'how things are' in any ultimate sense is nonsensical, or in a word, confusing.

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